Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions


Winnie the Bielefelder pullet.

Ollie the Bielefelder rooster.

Atlas the Australorp cockerel.
Congrats @Shadrach - Treacle has won this week's POW and is featured on our homepage! Keep up the good work!! :celebrate
Ohhh, you shouldn't have done this. I've just been up to Tribe 1's coop to shut them in for the night and Treacle is giving it the large portion about being famous now. His Dad (Cillin) wasn't looking impressed.
Sounds like your Wyandotte might be as food motivated as ours! She takes the cake for lappiest chicken, we think because SHE thinks she’ll get some cake if she sits with us!
Its great your Wyandottes are friendly(even with strings attached lol) Our Wyandottes do not like people. She believes We are here strictly to hand feed her so she doesn’t have to leave her perch and brave the pubescent cockerel that wanders around on the ground :lol:
Its great your Wyandottes are friendly(even with strings attached lol) Our Wyandottes do not like people. She believes We are here strictly to hand feed her so she doesn’t have to leave her perch and brave the pubescent cockerel that wanders around on the ground :lol:
Ah, she's the Queen of the Flock, eh? These are our first chickens, so we don't have any prior experience to go off of other than what we're seeing now. I hope she keeps her outgoing and cuddly attitude into adulthood! :)

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