Picture thread of my hens!

She ate her food really well! Think she would have licked the bowl clean if she could! I have today started putting ACV in the water as its apparently good with the breakdown

That's great to hear.... and see! She's looking very perky considering her ordeal and the slow crop. I hope her progress continues. I also hope she doesn't get too used to central heating and being chauffeur driven and refuse to go back to slumming it with the other girls up on the hill, even if it is chicken paradise up there!

I'm a big fan of both ACV in the water and fermenting feed (dead easy to do) and I also soak their mixed corn for a couple of days in ACV water which they really love. My hens have access to other water as they free range including drinking from the filthiest puddles on occasion despite clean unadulterated rainwater also being available.... I have learned that creatures have a natural instinct (that we have probably lost) for what they need in the way of nutrients and even microbes and I try to be amazed rather than disgusted at some of the things they forage in and for..... it's not easy sometimes though!
That's great to hear.... and see! She's looking very perky considering her ordeal and the slow crop. I hope her progress continues. I also hope she doesn't get too used to central heating and being chauffeur driven and refuse to go back to slumming it with the other girls up on the hill, even if it is chicken paradise up there!

I'm a big fan of both ACV in the water and fermenting feed (dead easy to do) and I also soak their mixed corn for a couple of days in ACV water which they really love. My hens have access to other water as they free range including drinking from the filthiest puddles on occasion despite clean unadulterated rainwater also being available.... I have learned that creatures have a natural instinct (that we have probably lost) for what they need in the way of nutrients and even microbes and I try to be amazed rather than disgusted at some of the things they forage in and for..... it's not easy sometimes though!
Thanks for the tips haha
My lot have never made me this angry in a long time! From what I can remember, it all started when I let Oeflay out the shed. She had top hens gunning for her, so I had to get them away from her. Lacey Sussex who's below her decided to challenge her and Oeflay was having none of it. They started squaring up and Lacey backed down. So I started cleaning all 3 sheds out and then someone drove to the top of the hens field and started beeping. I didn't know who it was, but they did it last week too, so I wanted to go and see. So I grabbed Oeflay and went to lock her in the feed shed as too much was going on to leave her alone. By the time I did that and started walking up the field, they drove away. So I walked back and went to get all the bedding for the sheds and I found my bag of straw ripped open even though it was on top of loads of fence posts. Half of it had fell down the back where I couldn't reach, so that annoyed me. I then went with what was left of the bedding and I put it down and discovered I still had rats because they was some droppings, which again annoyed me. I then saw Lily (Welsummer) looking at Oeflay in a funny way and she's below Oeflay. Oeflay left to go to the food shed and I saw Lily follow her out the pen, so I knew something was going to happen, so I went to the feed shed and heard flapping, so I knew they were fighting. I walked in and Oeflay was winning so I was like "ok I will let her put her back in her place", but then Lily slammed Oeflay into the door, so I wasn't amused. Lily is a lower hen and bullies all the hens below her really bad, so I wasn't letting Oeflay fall below her. So I started helping Oeflay by pushing Lily a few times without her knowing to make Oeflay seem much stronger and it worked because Lily ran off and kept clear after (you can see Oeflay standing proudly in the first pic). I then heard Orp screaming, so I went running and Henry had her and she hates him so I got him off and walked over to the shed and he got her again!, so I had to go back to get him off. I then started doing the sheds again and saw Oeflay and Lacey squaring up in the middle of the field, so I had to run for that and Oeflay flapped in Lacey's face, so Lacey screamed and ran off (Oeflays tiny so she knows to go for their face to scare them). I then went back to the sheds, turned around and saw Henry with his wings out running for Oeflay, this was obviously a big nono as her back is all ripped open as it is. I ran over and luckily Oeflay squeezed through a square in the fence and got away, Henry was too big to fit, so that was lucky! I then went back to the sheds and half the hens were already in it because it was that late and they wanted to go to bed. I was having to put a handful of bedding in and then quickly looking back to check on Oeflay. Roger and Henry both kept trying to get her and she wanted in the sheds so I put her back in her box to come home with me. Once I eventually filled the sheds up, I went to pick the bedding up to take back and I heard Daisy screaming so had to go get Henry off her, I then went and picked the bedding up and heard Bella screaming, so had to get Henry off her, I then went and again picked the bedding up and heard Bella screaming again!! Once he eventually stopped, I shut the big shed and went to the smaller shed where I had Orp kicking everyone out because she wanted to scratch about! So I was annoyed trying to push her to the back so everyone could get back in. Coco was still out so I had to catch her. My wellies have a hole and I had to walk through the bog like 3 times to get her, so I again wasn't amused! Theres more, but I really can't be bothered to write anymore and I will be surprised if any of you's can be bothered to read all of this!



It was just one of those days.
May I suggest military school for Henry?
Animals can have their aggravating moments.

I think the purple looks great with Oeflay's black and white dots. I think she consider it next time she goes in for a styling.

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