Pigeon Talk

What are West Nile symptoms like in pigeons?

When I 'think' that I had West Nile in my birds, symptoms observed were : lethargy, zombie like walking/staring, neurological tremors, trembling, head twitching, but never torticollis to the degree your bird has shown. Progression was either into the 'zombie' mode where birds died or gradual lessening of symptoms. Head twitching never resolved completely in some as in the case of 'The Clapper' .
I had one pigeon hatched in loft that developed a wry type neck condition. When first hatched, was just like the other sibling. Grew and ate OK. Did not get convulsions like in video. The head was just twisted upside down most of the time. I did release it with other pigeons loft flying. It would fly from roof to roof but had trouble entering trap. I just would take and place it inside manually. One day, did not return from loft flying. Whatever pigeon had, did not get any of the other pigeons infected. Could have been something similar to birth defect.:idunno
Its funny I'm Quoting my post:gig But only for ez reference.

@Pyxis I'm sorry you're going through this. I have recently just had a scare with PMV. It's a nasty disease. There is no treatment for them. All you can do is give them supportive care. Symptoms will show up in 2-10 days if any of your other birds have it. It can be spread to chickens and it will cause newcastle disease. I know you've had alot of advice and probably googled everything but this link helped me. It's fairly brief but to the point.
Also in UK PMV is a notifiable disease.
I read the link info Chickencountryuk posted. Here it is again ez retrieve.

The symptoms in my pigeon matched what was in this article. What puzzles me,,,, is that pigeon was with all my other pigeons,, (not separated) and none of the other pigeons got the (possible) PMV.
So, when I posted my pigeon up on the pigeon group on FB to ask opinions there, someone who also had bought birds from the same breeder I did recognized my bird and asked me about it.

We've been in touch because she was a little worried about her bird. She tells me that today it started having diarrhea, sigh.

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