
9 Years
Apr 2, 2015
Katy TX
Ok so I figure since everyone I know always wants stories on my birds I might as well start a thread here where all ye chicken lovers reside! This will be about all my birds from ducks, chickens and pigeons, to small notes and interactions with my other animals. Dogs, goats, cats etc. Along with clutches updates on egg sales, broodies, predator issues etc! I can't post a pic of each individual animal as I simply have too many at this point. But I'll post the main ones and mention individual names in updates referring to certain animals :)
The Main flock is our Rooster Blizzard, our bantam Cochin Penny, our NHR Dori, our Calico princess Tater tot, along with Delaware Dolly, and the 'Tophats' my 4 polish crested. Feel free to follow along or just distract yourself from boredom. Pigeons mentioned are my 4 figuritas.
Boys: Wallace(white)Cannoli( black) Girls:Soup(pied) and Crumpet(black)
I have a lot of animals! I dare you to memorize everyone's names as we go along(they do alll have names shockingly) or just pick your favorite if you'd like. I'll post names @ top of updates.


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Meet Griz&Floof.
Griselda one of my pullets from my last hatch of summer was born with a beak deformity. She can eat and defend herself fine but can't properly groom and needs to be bathed regularly due to parasites from constant pests her growth was stunted as a chick do to catching lice at only 6 weeks old, so she's 1/2 the size of her siblings. While my youngest boy 'Floof' is over here figuring if I won't let him in the back door maybe jumping the fence and walking all the way around to the front door will work!
So hard living outside guys, it appears he knows the house is heated. How dare I let Griz in but not him! Her siblings like to pick on him viciously as he's the last of his hatchmates still in the flock unlike Griselda and her 4 sisters.
Update: Today Griseldas 4 sisters went home to join a flock of five 2 towns over and Floof was claimed by a nice couple for their 3 hens so they'd have a sustainable flock :) down to 2 cockerels +Blizzard on probably less than 20 chickens :) Dori,Penny,Tater, Mosey,Blue, Meela, Griselda, Lady Gaga, Muffin top, Ms Vagabond, Griselda, Cricket, and Two sons who have yet to be named :) I'll post their pics tomorrow if anyone has name ideas :D one boy is pure white clean faced and his brother looks like a silver laced mini Blizzard
Lol you can see were he gets his beard from! Blizzard keeping an eye on things in the background making sure the 'darn youngsters ain't starting nothin' as I'm sure Blizzard would say. B is one of those roosters who won't let any of his sons crow, he competes with the nieboring rooster but keeps his boys in their place at all times. I'll try and catch a vid of him 'disciplining' a rowdy youngster some time. Read:chasing them around till they literally cry
Meet Griz&Floof.
Griselda one of my pullets from my last hatch of summer was born with a beak deformity. She can eat and defend herself fine but can't properly groom and needs to be bathed regularly due to parasites from constant pests her growth was stunted as a chick do to catching lice at only 6 weeks old, so she's 1/2 the size of her siblings. While my youngest boy 'Floof' is over here figuring if I won't let him in the back door maybe jumping the fence and walking all the way around to the front door will work!
So hard living outside guys, it appears he knows the house is heated. How dare I let Griz in but not him! Her siblings like to pick on him viciously as he's the last of his hatchmates still in the flock unlike Griselda and her 4 sisters.
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I have one chicken, a plymouth rock, she is just a year old and any chance to get in the house if the door is left open she's in, straight to the cat dish!!

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