

Crazy Cochin Lady
8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
Bronson, Tx
So I've read Pine shaving is best for chickens. NO CEDAR because it will kill my little babies.

But... what about pine sawdust? BF is sawing pine logs for our house and when I said that the chickens needed pine shavings he asked if it would be ok to use the sawdust created when he saws logs.

Would it harm the chicks? If it shouldn't then my only concern would be it sticking to things, etc
We have horses so we have a BIG sawdust bin for their stalls. So we use sawdust for the chickens. I have, in a pinch, bought a bag of pine shavings and I have to say that I liked the pine shavings better but since we buy the sawdust in bulk and it is much cheaper and readily accessible, it works just fine. I think the biggest difference is the amount of dust - sawdust is dustier but not so much so that I won't use it. I just make sure that there is plenty of ventillation when I am cleaning out the coop or if I stir things up. We've had chickens for a year and sawdust seems to be fine so far.

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