Pine shavings cost


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 2, 2014
If I have a 10x10 coop for 25 chickens and I buy a 8 cubic feet bag of pine shavings then how many times can I clean the coop out with that bag???
I have a 8'x6' coop and use an entire 9 cubic ft bag on the floor every time I clean. If I'd remember to buy 2 at a time I'd put in 1.5 bags and use the last bit as needed.
My coop floor is plywood covered in a loose sheet of vinyl flooring. Chickens can harm themselves when jumping down off the roosting bars, so giving them a little bit of cushion for landing isn't a bad idea. I also don't want them pooping on straight onto the floor so my my bedding protects the chickens legs and my flooring
Look up the deep litter method. Uses shavings but cleaning is minimal so it's not like you need to buy shavings every 2 weeks or whatever.

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