PLEASE help!! 9 weeks old chick not walking

Much luck, sararoni -
My layer is experiencing something similar right now. I posted a video of her hoping for advice and have gleaned LOTS of ideas from reading your thread - so thank you for it! I'll continue to watch here and hope for the best for your chick. xx
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She looks better to me today. I guess pinching has worked.
The legs are still weak and when I touch them they have a trembling like electricity goes in them. I don't know if that is good or not.
Appetite is not bad but the scale has not arrived and the ebay seller said she hasn't shipped it yet although I told her it was urgently needed for a sick bird.

Thank you fuster cluck for the good wishes and I hope your hen gets better too.

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She looks better to me today. I guess pinching has worked.
The legs are still weak and when I touch them they have a trembling like electricity goes in them. I don't know if that is good or not.
Appetite is not bad but the scale has not arrived and the ebay seller said she hasn't shipped it yet although I told her it was urgently needed for a sick bird.

Thank you fuster cluck for the good wishes and I hope your hen gets better too.


She does look like she has improved. Keep the vitamins up to here and a little massage to the legs wouldn't go astray. Btw the ' pinch test ' is just to gauge whether or not there is any nerve sensation in the limb '.
Just keep offering her her food, mine like steamed mixed veges and left over spaghetti.
She can hold that posture only for a little bit after I put her there from her swing then she goes back to laying down.
Her feet are still too weak and trembling

She is the same and her legs tremble a lot. She moves around using he wings but can't open the toes at all.
Yesterday I fed her spaghetti mixed with coconut oil and vitamins and she ate them all.
Her poop is not green.
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She is still the same today.
Her posture seems sometimes improved but when I watch closer her legs are still the same. I think she has learned to use the wings better to compensate.
I keep giving her the vitamins and she eats by herself when I put them in front of her. Alternating them so she finds them more interesting.
She can even get herself out of the swing flapping the wings.
I am not sure if she can push herself up a little with her legs because they look useless to me.
I am giving her vitamin E drops too.
I am stuck with a handicapped chicken...and she watches tv with us

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