Please help. I don't think these birds were labeled correctly. Leghorns maybe?


In the Brooder
Jun 2, 2020
Hello. I have a dozen juveniles I purchased the first week of March. They were said to be Cornish cross broiler birds. Which was great. I wanted to raise and butcher in a short period of of time.

Fast forward 3 months now. These birds are way too fine bodied
0602200823.jpg to be a meat bird, even on broiler feed. I think maybe they might be leghorns? Or something else. AAK!

Anyway I am NOT set up to keep 12 more birds permanently. I would like to see about rehoming some. But I need to know if they look like hens or not. Only one actually has red on its face. Rest are just turning pink. I'm guessing they're 14-15 weeks.

Loading 2 pics of the darkest faced one and then a group shot of what the others look like. Excuse the messy coop. It was early. I cleaned right after I took photos. 0602200821.jpg 0602200821c.jpg
Yup, Leghorns. When did the comb turn red on the first? Looks like a fast maturing pullet.
Ok thank you for your help. My 11 year old is ecstatic that we will be "pardoning" these 12 ladies and sending them to happy homes. ;-)

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