Please help little hen has something wrong with eye!!!!!


Feb 21, 2023
My hen has an almost like a film over her eye with a spot in the middle she acts like it’s painful keeping that eye closed and laying down a lot acting droopy still comes for treats!!! Though what can I do to help her and what is it?
Could you get one more picture in good light without a shadow? I can see the cloudy pupil, but I can’t tell if the pupil is round, and more characteristics. How long has it looked like this, and how long has she been lethargic? How does the other eye look? She could be mostly blind in the eye. Can you try to get her eating and drinking? I would take her aside to make sure that she is getting enough to eat.

Eye issues can include injuries from scratches or pecking, infection, cataracts which make the pupil appear cloudy, vitamin E or A deficiency, ammonia burns from odors of droppings in the coop, Mareks disease, epidemic tremors as a baby chick, and others.
We were gone for a week then a came back and saw she was not acting like herself I kept a close eye on her and thought she was egg bound then saw her eye the other is fine thank goodness we do not have a veterinarian I will try to get another picture tomorrow she keeps that eye closed unless something startled her she is eating and drinking fine I was watching her what do you think I should do? None of the others have it and she can walk so I’m really puzzled
Hmmm how should I give her vitamins? Do you think it’s a scratch or poke? She’s been heathy up until now and she will be one in a few days
Injury, infection, nutritional deficiency, avian viruses are some causes of blindness. Some are treatable, some aren't, but I always try.

Flush the eye with saline every day. Apply terramycin eye antibiotic in the eye twice a day. Vitamin A given each day would treat a deficiency.

Be optimistic. A lot of these cases, the blindness is temporary and the eye recovers with proper care.
Oh my goodness thank you sooooooo much you have been so helpful please stay in touch and I will update you!!! I can not thank you enough!!!!! Thank you so much! I will make sure she is eating and drinking good news is she can see out of one eye! I will start treatment tomorrow!!! Thanks again!

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