Please help meeeee!!

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You have to find a new owner, plain and simple. Even if they were the wild type of duck, they are too tame and dependent on people to release in the park, not to mention it's cruel. Try asking your teachers or other adult relatives. I don't know if you live in a city or in the country, but perhaps you can find a farmer to take them. Are they male or female?

Be aware that some people may want to buy your ducks for food. So, if you don't want that to happen, you have to screen your buyers.
No offense, but are you for real?

Why would you have ducklings, raise them and then know nothing how to take care of them as adults?

I am assuming the OP is a child, and children are impulsive. I understand that part of it. I was like that at one point (though this never happened to me. I would fight my parents until they gave in).

You need to rehome. Present facts to your parents on what fate you are bringing on your ducks. You need to explain that you will find them a home. People will take in ducks for free. Just post them on Craigslist or kijiji.
Hey easy there! This is obviously a kid!

I think this is sad on the parents part for not requiring this kid to learn what it means to take care of an animal. Now they have 2 ducks that may get dumped in the lake or river. Seems they really didn't come through as teaching this child the value of life and what it means to take on the responsibility of an animal.
Ok well i have these two ducks which i bought when they where ducklings and now there near full grown. when i bought them i never thought of what i would do with them when they grow up like my parents did say i had to let them go but i still said ok because i wanted them soooo bad. well now there grown up and my ducks are white and my parent said i had to let them go at a national park, but all the ducks at the naional park ar like wild ducks and there like greenish brown. So they would not blend in!!
And after i read the other issues on ducks that were realised i nearly cried :((
I know they will die or get like bashed by the wild ducks or even starve!!!
Please help me i dont want them to die and i cant keep them i have no idea what to do?? :(( :(( :((

Sorry folks, child or no, this person KNEW going in that these ducks were not "forever pets" and that their fate was sealed from day one.
It is, in fact, illegal to dump domestic ducks in parks, at lakes, etc.
PLEASE try to give them away. Post an ad at your local Tractor Supply or some other feed store.
These ducks are by no means prepared to be dumped into a lake or pond where they will have to fend for themselves.
Do the right thing here...for the helpless ducks that never had a choice.
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Oh dear, well as others have said you are totally on the mark to be concerned, have you shown your parents the info on the board?> perhaps they just didn't realize... many don't.. it happens with other animals to..

Re-homing them is your best option, as the original idea wouldn't fare well for the ducks as you realize.
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