Please help my Duck is acting weird


In the Brooder
Nov 4, 2021
Ive had this duck for two weeks now. Her and her sister were pretty neglected but are looking so much better now. Today I heard a duck screaming and came running and notice she was moving her head weirdly and squirming low on the floor. I thought she was dying she looked out of it and then she got back to herself a few second later and climbed the lader to her house. 15 minutes later same happens and it won't stop happening. I'm getting pretty worried now. Has anyone ever experienced something similar? She's not older than 2 months old. She's a female Pekin and has access to a pool, food and mashed carrots, pees and corn every morning.

Sorry, We can't see very well in the video since I'm filming from inside the house. It looks like she's digging into the grass for food but she is not.

Ive had this duck for two weeks now. Her and her sister were pretty neglected but are looking so much better now. Today I heard a duck screaming and came running and notice she was moving her head weirdly and squirming low on the floor. I thought she was dying she looked out of it and then she got back to herself a few second later and climbed the lader to her house. 15 minutes later same happens and it won't stop happening. I'm getting pretty worried now. Has anyone ever experienced something similar? She's not older than 2 months old. She's a female Pekin and has access to a pool, food and mashed carrots, pees and corn every morning.

Sorry, We can't see very well in the video since I'm filming from inside the house. It looks like she's digging into the grass for food but she is not.

That looks like possibly a neurological issue or a seizure. Is it possible she was attacked or was spooked and slammed into the side of the pen?

I would bring her in and get her somewhere quiet, dark and warm for right now so she doesn't hurt herself further. I'll tag some other users.

If you can, I definitely recommend a vet visit.

@Miss Lydia
It does look like it may be a seizure. What feed are you using and are you supplementing with any type of niacin? Ducklings need niacin in their diet to have strong legs and being deficient in it can cause other issues. Did you say you feed peas carrots and corn every morning? Which may be taking away from the nutrients she would be getting in her reg feed. Anything other than their feed should be considered treats and should only be 10% of their daily intake of food. Pekins grow so fast [meat birds] and because of this can really suffer if fed wrong or not given adequate niacin
I agree with @Rosemary duck I'd place her in a very safe enclosure where she cannot hurt herself if she has to climb a ladder which has to be hard most ducks can't climb a ladder, but with her like this, she could seriously injure herself.
Thank you for the quick reply! I got the two Pekins from a very unclean place where they didn't have access to sunlight or water deep enough to put their nostril in so I doubt they had any niacin. I have been giving them some with pees every day now for two weeks but the damage is probably already done! The peas, carrot and corn is a threat on top of their food, it's not their main intake of food at all but Im trying to bond with them by giving them threats.

I have the feeling it is neurological too. She may have fallen from the second story of their pen although it's not high and there's a fence to keep them from falling, it could have happened. I will get her inside and in a dark room for the night and hope she will get better very soon. I will keep you guys updated. Thank you once again !!
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I just put her inside in the dark. I managed to film a better video and it really does look like Seizures. Right after this video I placed towels on the side of the pen so she won't bang her beak on the hard plastic sides. I can't find a vet anywhere. Is there something that helps seizure that you guys know of?

Please only watch if you are comfortable with seeing a bird having seizures.

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I would go to TSC or your farm store and get liquid B complex it will say injectable on the bottle but we give it orally 1 ml. get a 1ml syringe it is perfect of giving the liquid B complex. Bless her heart I am so glad you rescued these ducks I sure hope you can help her through this. I know of nothing that can help with seizures over the counter but the Liquid B complex might help. It has been a miracle for many ducklings.

Here is info on care
info on how to give oral meds

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