PLEASE HELP! My PET GANDER appears to have worms and I have NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE...

Geese have that special way of stealing our hearts and never letting go, they are truly special souls. ❤️
Thank you for all of your advice! Being inside has brought back some of his appetite and his breathing does not appear as labored... He also seems slightly less "tired". He's a mischief when he is healthy.. not biting but always jumping up and nipping at any item moving Infront of him. He is also very curious, and usually comes to nibble on anything I'm messing with lol. These last few days, he would lay down, and not get up, HE ALWAYS GETS UP when I approach. This evening, he's been a tiny bit more like himself! Which gives me hope .. he is still NOT breathing right, but I think that the advice to bring him INSIDE OUT OF THE HEAT was great! I considered it, but feared de acclimating him and stressing him because he is so bonded to his flock. He was a indoor goose for the first 2.5 years of his life, when we lived in AZ so I think that is part of why he is adjusting so well. Plus he LOVES my husband... Obsessively... And yes, I am jealous lol. I'll find a pic of the frog my chicken had killed.


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From what I’ve heard Tylan can cause tissue necrosis at injection site, so a lot of people dose their birds orally.

Frogs can be poisonous, maybe....poisoning can cause lethargy and labored breathing depending on the toxins injested, I don’t know much about issues from frogs though, I was always been told growing up that tree frogs can kill cats if they eat them but I have no idea if that’s true or not, it might depend on the species.
If poisoning did occur it can cause secondary problems because it brings the bodies immune response down.

I would give him the Tylan and amoxicillin
@casportpony Do you know what dosage per pound should be given?

In future if you ever need to inject a bird with medication, it’s usually not advisable to try for a vein, bird veins can easily collapse so it’s not a good idea without proper training with that sort of thing, when I was giving CaEDTA injections my vet had me inject my goose into the right breast just beside the keel, some drugs work well if injected just under the skin, others a little deeper into the muscle, but not much.
If the bird is immobile one person can do it alone, if they’re feeling well enough to try to get away it’s safer if you have a second person to restrain them, then you feel for the keel, brush the down out of the way as much as you can, and inject into the right breast just beside the keel.
All I can find about these frogs, is that they can transmit salmonella!! But I'm still researching and looking into it. I will proceed with the antibiotics and would love & appreciate input on dosing. Thank you all for your kindness and understanding!
(I'm also applying for credit cards to try to get access to borrowing money to take him to the vet, but I don't have great credit ATM. So pls wish me luck )
Ok so I found out that Ivermectin works faster then some other dewormers and only requires a few drops per dose. Could any of you lmk if you know anything about ivermectin, if I should use the 1% or 5% and if I should be getting the injectable or the pour on for oral dosing?! A picture would be most helpful! A friend who dearly cares for pretty bird, has offered to send me the dewormer he needs, which left me a grateful mess. But I need to know which one is the ivermectin everyone is talking about .. please?
Ivermectin used to be good for roundworm only. It is no longer even good for them.

It is extremely unlikely that your bird is suffering from gapeworms. It is much more likely that is suffering from a respiratory disease.

I have not read through the entire thread I just accidentally clicked on the thread and noticed this post that I'm responding to now.
All I can find about these frogs, is that they can transmit salmonella!! But I'm still researching and looking into it. I will proceed with the antibiotics and would love & appreciate input on dosing. Thank you all for your kindness and understanding!
(I'm also applying for credit cards to try to get access to borrowing money to take him to the vet, but I don't have great credit ATM. So pls wish me luck )
The only reason why I was thinking that one, was because the breeder said he gives it to his birds twice a year and because when I looked it up online it said it works faster then the other commonly used wormers. It did say that it struggles to kill hook worms and will likely need additional treatment for those. I just liked that it supposedly works faster for many of the other worms like Gapeworm, but this is all based on .com articles .. so who knows. But nowhere does it specify which ivermectin it is 🤦
This breeder person doesn't know his stuff. 😩. Don't be offended. Please.
If you know? (I'm also looking it up )
What is the active ingredient in safeguard? How does one treat with safeguard? Dosage for geese? Personal experience? How fast do they show any relieve in symptoms?
My biggest issue is his breathing... Since he is struggling I'm hoping to get whatever has the best chance to kill whatever worms are cutting off his air supply asap.. which from what I read are likely gapeworms. I'm still confused on all the disagreements on the dosing for fenbendazole too. One person said 15 mg per pound, another said 1 capsule treats 4-6 lbs with only 6.75 mg in each capsule... I haven't found any resources where it says 15 mg per pound. Only the other one that's on the bottle... But if I'm not giving him enough... But on the other hand... Doesn't 120 mg a day sound like a lot? Idk.. I love this guy and feel like I'm misunderstanding everything 😮‍💨
Safe-Guard the liquid for goats and paste for horses dose is .23ml per each pound the bird weighs.
You can make the math simpler and round up to .25ml per pound. A 4 pound bird would get 1ml. An 8 pound bird would get 2ml.
The goat and horse Sage-Guard are the exact same thing...dose is same.
How is he doing?
Since he has been inside, he has greatly improved. I put him on antibiotics as well as the dewormer. He's done with the dewormer and at the end of the antibiotic treatment. He has no longer shown ANY signs of lethargy and his breathing has greatly improved. I let him see his flock last night, so he could take a bath. He no longer pants unless he gets overly excited or stressed. It reminds me of when we had a nasty upper respiratory or pneumonia and even tho we got over it, we still seem to experience some shortness of breath for a while longer. Other then that he has back to being his spoiled butthead self! THANK YOU ALL FOR HELPING, ADVISING AND BEING PATIENT WITH MY PANICKED SELF! if your curious on videos about how he is doing, You can catch his updates on his YOUTUBE : PRETTY BIRD THE PET GOOSE

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