Please help Serbian highflyers leg ripped off by rat

I've never had an injury like this but if you try to trim the feathers around the wound you will be able to see better. There is a powder that is meant to stop bleeding but I'm not sure what it's called but cornflour does the same. If you can't take it to a vet or it's too expensive I would consider euthanising. This is quite a serious injury and I think even with a vet his chances will be 50/50. If an infection takes hold, which it's likely it will, than it will need a course of antibiotics. Perhaps @casportpony or @oldhenlikesdogs could advise you better.
Ok. I'll see how he is this afternoon. Hopefully he will be slightly better this afternoon. If I can find the wound I'll spray it with the same stuff we used on the duck which got attacked by my brothers dog, we never gave her any antibiotics and she's better.
Ok. I'll see how he is this afternoon. Hopefully he will be slightly better this afternoon. If I can find the wound I'll spray it with the same stuff we used on the duck which got attacked by my brothers dog, we never gave her any antibiotics and she's better.
If nothing else, stop the bleeding and clean the wound. The biggest thing at the moment is infection. You need to see where the leg has been ripped off. If the bone is broken it will probably need to be removed at a joint to make a clean wound then suturing. Stress and shock will be a major issue. I'm no vet but casportpony will be able to advise you better.
He is still ok, and he is no longer bleeding but I once again couldn’t find the wound and the feathers that were stuck together didn’t help. I’ll see tomorrow morning if I can wash the feathers and see if the wound is their. Hopefully he will be all right till the morning since their are no rats in the loft :fl
Can you post pictures of the leg?
Couldn't find the wound but here's some photos:

The other photos had an error I'll try again later.

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