Please help this is urgent

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Then we took care of him. But he is doing something strange. He yell like he has a ache and he tingle his head so hard like crazy with his feet. Then became so tired that couldnt open his eyes. His feet went worse and i was doing exercises with him but this evening the ache thing become so much often like every minute. He is too tired and cant even open his eyes. We gave him "parol" but we dont know what is wrong eith him. He cant use his feet anymore so he cant reach his head and he is just shaking to hard
It has a bump side of his head but nothing we can see just feel with hand
Welcome To BYC
What country are you in?
What is Parol?
What are you feeding? All the other chicks growing and doing well?

You mention there's a bump on the side of his head - is that at the chick's ear or where on the head?

Thank you for posting the video, sadly, I agree it's look neurological. Is the chick continuously moving like that - unable to eat/drink? You can try giving vitamin E (400IU) and B-Complex to see if that helps.
To be honest, the poor little thing looks to be in a pain, if you are unable to get some fluids into her, then personally, I would consider putting her out of her misery.
You sure that will help? We gave him a little piece of painkiller but it didint help. I stayed with him this night and i slept but anything happened i guess if i heared something i wpuld wake up. So if you tried a medicine for something similar with that. I would love to learn its name. Thank you for the help
Chickens do not tolerate normal painkillers well.

But cortisone might help as the origin of this bump on the head is not clear and the chick is in pain and needs relief.

Take another good look if there might be still some spine or similar sticking in the bump or to see if you can locate one or two spots which might give an indication to the source and kind of animal that induced it.
Welcome To BYC
What country are you in?
What is Parol?
What are you feeding? All the other chicks growing and doing well?

You mention there's a bump on the side of his head - is that at the chick's ear or where on the head?

Thank you for posting the video, sadly, I agree it's look neurological. Is the chick continuously moving like that - unable to eat/drink? You can try giving vitamin E (400IU) and B-Complex to see if that helps.
To be honest, the poor little thing looks to be in a pain, if you are unable to get some fluids into her, then personally, I would consider putting her out of her misery.

He is fine. We wont kill him please dont suggest this and i guess it is not neurological now ı hope you think the same after this vid
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