Please Help! Worried! Peking Duck brooding behavior advice

So even if 41 days something is off somewhere.
We have one Peking male (her sibling) and a young male Kahki Campbell (maybe a year old) Would there be some possible deformity if a Peking breeds w a Kahki Campbell or does that matter? I was told by the previous owner that she has only had a total of 4 live births in 3.5 years. Seems like there is a problem somewhere. (Not necessarily wanting babies so it’s ok. Just has me interested in figuring out what might be going on)
Shouldn't be any problems with the KC breeding with her they are both Mallard derived. I can't say what the reason maybe about only 4 live births but nesting outside of a secure house has many draw backs. Snakes can eat eggs. other predators will take them even birds like crows. She is even at risk for being preyed upon nesting outside. But thankfully so far that hasn't happened. Some ducks just don't make good mamas. And Pekins aren't noted for being broody or maybe going broody and not sticking with it until hatch. Maybe @WVduckchick or someone else can add something.
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The one with the shell was very small compared to the egg size, but it had quite a bit of down already, so it must have been 20+ days?
The one that she carried out of the nest without a shell looked deformed. Very little feather growth, so I would guess early quitter.
Shouldn't be any problems with the KC breeding with her they are both Mallard derived. I can't say what the reason maybe about only 4 live births but nesting outside of a secure house has many draw backs. Snakes can eat eggs. other predators will take them even birds like crows. She is even at risk for being preyed upon nesting outside. But thankfully so far that hasn't happened. Some ducks just don't make good mamas. And Pekins aren't noted for being broody or maybe going broody and not sticking with it until hatch. Maybe @WVduckchick or someone else can add something.
Well she has definitely stuck with it this time.... Neighbors and previous owners said that in the past she would have eggs and just “forget” about them. Certainly not the case this time. Maybe because I am making sure she has fresh water all the time and feeding her 3 times a day lol
Good Morning,

She disposed of one egg (completely last night as seen a n video). This morning I went out and found one other dead duckling (okay to post picture?) and a badly cracked egg. The black stuff on the egg is the black mulch. This duckling was much more developed. There are 4 eggs left. She returned before I had an opportunity to attempt to candle.

Yes post a pic I think we’re all pretty immune to things having birds of our own. I am so sorry about this. @Pyxis
I’m trying to figure out the stages at this point and feel like I can learn a lot from you. Hopefully I won’t be faced w this again but if so I’ll be better prepared.

I have not completely disposed of the egg or the duckling at this point.
Let’s get @WVduckchick here I haven’t ever seen one at this stage. Not sure how far along the duckling is although I can see down. Anything in the egg that is smashed?
Yes there is something in the egg that’s smashed. The outer shell is badly cracked but nothing inside seems damaged other than there is a hole at the top of the “membrane” (not sure of any duck terminology (yet ;)

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