Please Help! Worried! Peking Duck brooding behavior advice

Update: Day 28 (for the second time) Mama Duck just got off the nest and went to the pond. I went out to look at the single egg in her nest. It is completely in tact. She is still diligently sitting on and maintains the nest. No rain for the last couple of days and none forecast for a couple more. Still have a glimmer of hope but trying to be realistic as well.
Another update.

The one egg is still there. The mama duck got off her nest this morning right after I left for work and has not returned to the nest - about 12 hours now. She is fine. She is happily running around and swimming in the pond. I can see her on the cameras. She seems to be "talking" a lot and rapidly wiggling her tail. It rained a little today but I don't think the egg got wet however it has been much cooler - around 86 or 87. I'm still at work and can't check the egg but last I looked at it it was completely in tact.

This is not a very good picture but it doesn’t appear to have a duckling.

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