please help

Well it looks like my baby girl is feeling a little better. Thanks everyone for the great advice. And twocrows thank u again so much for those links! They really helped. My little darling hope up on the step with me and almost stuck her head in my food. Had I know chickens had this much personality, I'd got some years ago. Thanks all!!!
Well it looks like my baby girl is feeling a little better. Thanks everyone for the great advice. And twocrows thank u again so much for those links! They really helped. My little darling hope up on the step with me and almost stuck her head in my food. Had I know chickens had this much personality, I'd got some years ago. Thanks all!!!
I hope she makes a full recovery! :)

Keep us posted!! :)
My little lady is doing even better today. She's opening her eye more. I'm so glad that she'll follow me around the yard now! I've really been missing that. Now if I can get the wifey feeling better things will be just fine. I told her that I'd give her a shot of oxytetracycline too but she wasn't to thrilled about that idea. She's spoiled. I had to take her to the doctor lol.

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