Please post your chicken dogs!

What breed is your dog? Love this type. Wondering how they do with children?

Miniature Schnauzer from the look of it. They are decent with kids if they are gentle in my opinion.

Yep, Miniature Schnauzer. I Grew up with them from the day I was born. They used to sleep with me as a toddler. Great guard dogs, as well as are hypoallergenic. Dont shed either. Now - My grandma has one that is a ture killer - if she had the chance she would kill all the rabbits, hamsters, ducklings and such that ive ever had. But then the other three just want to mother everything.

This is our rescue pup who has been with us over a year now. She has basenji in her, which is an African primative dog, so we had a lot of training to do, actually a good 5 months of continual baby steps training. She loves our house chicken and our 4 EE's outside. She head counts them every few minutes because "she's in charge". She won't let our cat anywhere near them though I don't think the cat would take any of them on. She can come barreling at the chickens 100 miles an hour if she senses danger and the chickens aren't concerned the least bit because that trust is there.
all you guys rock...I love this thread..all your dogs are so sweet and beautiful and so amazing the respect they have for other animals.

oh...and does that chicken have a diper on? That's weird1 Well it's also weird that the chicken looks quite proud of her little outfit...
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Well here are my two, the Black and white one is Percious and right now he can't figure out why the tennis balls are chirpping??? He just gave them a lick and smelled them. The white one is Kelala our little poddle mix she just smelled each one of the chicks and went on her way?


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I have chicken killers and chicken lovers.

The chicken killers are one female yorkie (she's a terrier's terrier- all vitality and vinegar) and two medium (and much beloved) mutts with more prey drive than they know what to do with. Could have a lot to do with the fact that they are at least 1/4 Jack Russell- and have the same energy level.

Chicken Killers enjoy a car ride.

...and there are the chicken lovers. Bailey who didn't meet chickens until he was three and has always been fine with them and his daughter Lulu, who at six months of age acted as mother to a litter of orphaned kittens (even tried to nurse them). Both are yorkies.

Lulu and one of 'her' kittens..
This is Jinx, she isn't a fan of other dogs and really doesn't like cats, but she adores chickens! She feels she is their mother and protector. It's really cute!




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