Please pray for my mom...

Prayers sent. She and the baby will be fine. Aug. 18th will be here sooner than you think and the baby will be ok if born a little too soon. Your Mom will need help from the family so she can rest, with her feet up. I had this with all 3 pregnancies. It's not fun, but with close monitoring from Dr.'s it will all be ok.

Keep us posted.
Sometimes Pregnancy can be a very frightening thing, however your mother is far enough in the pregnancy that I am sure the baby and your mother will be ok. My son is 13months old, so I remember what its like. I hope the best for all of you take care! Your friends at BYC Are here for you all.
Dont worry too much a baby born 4-6 weeks early is no problem nowadays. two of mine were born 8 weeks early Sebastian was 3lbs 9oz he was in the hospital for 3 weeks and Samantha was born 4lbs 4oz, she cam home with me after three days weighing in at 4lbs even. Your mom just needs to make sure that when the baby is born premature that s/he will get her/his RSV shots. If they deliver early they will prob. give a her a shot to speed up the babys lung maturity.
The doctors will know what to do for your Mom's high blood pressure.

My youngest DD was 3 weeks early and came home from the hospital with me. She will be 4 years old in a month and is a perfectly beautiful little girl. Things will be fine.

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