Please say she’ll live

Glad your hen is doing ok. :hugs Was she in the run, coop, or free ranging when she was attacked? If one of the latter, have you figured out how the culprit got in?
Thanks! And it was digging into the run and up under their coop 😭 I’ve been locking them in now but I was late last night 😭😭😭 we are going to be fixing the weaknesses ASAP and set a trap tonight.
Glad you have a plan to beef up security. And so sorry about the one you lost :hugs
Yeah, we’re definitely trying but it’s a rascally little thing and dug right under 😭 so gonna have to add a skirt I guess and we also have a random shed thing on top of a pallet back there as well as some other junk/mess type things that I think is providing a great home for it (and the rats) so we’re going to be getting rid of all of that too and making sure there’s nothing lying around. And thank you! Both ones that have been attacked or lost have been my Brabanters 😭 only the gold ones oddly 🤔
Ouchie Dawg.
Yeah it’s pretty nasty looking! I feel bad for her 😭 but she seems to be doing pretty well and is ravenous at least. :lau not so much into the water but she chowed down some eggs this morning and some regular crumble food just a bit ago so I guess that’s good. And she’s feisty 😂

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