Please send healing vibes for Petey.

One eye open again!

I am so happy to see his eye is open!

I am glad to hear your other showgirl is doing well. That is cute that they call to each other.

He is only 6 months?! Wow!
He sure seems like a good rooster. I hope he pulls through. C'mon Petey!
Thanks guys. I was going to keep him in isolation today but the guys had band practice so I moved him and his lady outside. He really only seems to want to eat and drink on his own when he's out there. He drank so much that when I picked him up he purged a little water up in me. I also caught him eating the starter food that I put on the ground for them. I made sure to wipe his eye every fifteen minutes so that he could see the food and water. His eye is draining A LOT now. I'm hoping that's a good sign and that the infection is begining to get flushed. I'm not getting my hopes up, but the penicillin and eye ointment really have me feeling a little better

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