Please sign this petition against TSCs new brooders

Sorry sheesh. I think they should go back to the old ones tho...
Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh it was mostly because everyone I disagree with keeps disagreeing with me and calling me an animal hater and all on a similar thread to this. I do have to agree with your idea with the old brooder though. I heard that some TSC locations are starting to use those again :)
I saw this on Facebook! It was removed moments later, but many comments from customers and employees saying they deal with the same stuff everyday! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again TSC SHOULD BE BANNED FROM SELLING LIVE ANIMALS! Everyone saying they need to hire people that care and do training, they do have training and lots of it! They do have people that care just not enough! People will say anything in an interview just to get a job especially in retail! Instead of letting more chicks and ducklings suffer to death, let’s put an end to this and ban tsc from selling live animals!
Mmm, but where are small backyard flock owners supposed to get their chicks? TSC is easily accessible in most places around the country, and then people don't have to deal with driving to get to breeders or big minimum orders from hatcheries.
You have to buy at least 4 chicks at tsc that’s a lot for small time farmers!
That's not very many, and much better than the large minimum orders from most hatcheries. And better than letting people take home lone chicks.
(this happened to me and I made sure to pick from a “pullet only” area and they don’t care because they are not guaranteed.
Most breeders don't sex their chicks, and you have the same chances of getting pullets from the pullet bin at TSC as you do at hatcheries, as TSC sources from different hatcheries. Hoovers seems to be the main one.
@HawaiiCoyote why are you angry?
this is a thread about signing a petition AGAINST TSC brooder. So please to don’t come onto this thread ranting about how people shouldn’t disagree with your opinion, this thread was made so that people could share their opinions. It’s fine to say that you hate that people are hating on the new brooders, but it’s not okay to cancel out others opinions.

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