Please suggest breed

Just did a quick read about them - sounds good, no strong negatives. Some websites said they lay medium size eggs, some large. But apparently they are egg laying machines! :D

I only have one (the hen in my avatar) but she is a very consistent layer :)
I`m beginner, don`t want to mix breeds. I`d prefer to start with just one breed.

Okay, I understand completely! :D
This is not a complete list! I don't or haven't had most of these breeds. Don't take what I have compiled as 100% correct.
Large Breeds

Jersey Giant

Dark Color
Leghorn (usually white can be brown)
Rhode Island Red
Cochin (depending)
Orpington (buff color not dark brown)
Langshan (Black)
Malines ( Barred? Cuckoo?)
Jersey Giant
ISA Brown (and other production breeds)

Large Egg Size
Rhode Island Red
Barred Plymouth Rock
ISA Brown (Shorter lifespan like most production breeds)
Egg color
I did a thing a few months ago for tinted eggs. It should have a good portion of what breeds lay what color.


It really depends on the bird. I'm sure someone has a horror story that involves even the most friendly breeds.
Barred Plymouth Rock
Cochin (my bantam Cochins have all been very friendly)
Auto sexing
Try this:
And this:
Egg production

Any production breed (again, shorter lifespan)
Rhode Island Red
Barred Plymouth Rocks
If you want a broody you should get some Silkies. Any breed can technically go broody, but most don't. I once had a Sebright, a non-broody breed, who loved trying to go broody. (it never really worked, but she tried)

Most breeds mentioned are hardy. Make your coop for your environment. I have a open air coop for our hot Florida summers.
Coop ideas:

Noise levels

If you're getting chickens they will make noise! No if, ands or buts about it. Roosters crowing are loud, but a egg song can easily be louder! If you want quiet go for a muscovy duck! :lol:

Be careful when free-ranging. You can easily lose an entire flock if not watched carefully in a place with many Predators.

Thank you for a huge list!

I did check on Orpington, sounds very good! I like that light brown color, she looks amazing.

Buff Orpington

Because of their non-aggressive nature, they should not be put with more aggressive breeds such as Rhode Island Reds or Welsummers – they are likely to get picked on and be at the bottom of the pecking order.

Medium to large eggs – Light Brown
175 - 200 Eggs Average Annually – Capable of 340 Annually
True ?

Thank you for a huge list!

I did check on Orpington, sounds very good! I like that light brown color, she looks amazing.

Buff Orpington

Because of their non-aggressive nature, they should not be put with more aggressive breeds such as Rhode Island Reds or Welsummers – they are likely to get picked on and be at the bottom of the pecking order.

Medium to large eggs – Light Brown
175 - 200 Eggs Average Annually – Capable of 340 Annually
True ?

I'm not really sure. Someone with more knowledge should come along soon!

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