Please Support the One and Only Thang

Did you allow that to reproduce?
Please tell me that Pecky isn't Twangs son. I already have 2 that go absolutely nuts if I get near them. I like very friendly birds first, beauty is great but temperament is quality, don't matter how beautiful if they're flying around like idiots trying to break their necks, instead of showing me their stuff.
Pecky came from the India Blue pen,,and since it's showing pied and is cute,,noway did Thang jump the fence.New2,,this definately calls for a fresh bottle opening of the grape.Thang doesn't know how easily he can be replaced.I hatched a new and upcoming dark pied last year that will be ready for use next year. Thang acts up,he gets a big time out.
I think Thang has lost that loving feeling for you FBC. Send him up here! I have the nicest little hen who would settle him down in no time at all.
Terri,,,wonder how many more "Thangettes" have yet to be discovered? Your "Thanglette" I bet at least has some intelligence between those beedy-narrow eyes?My Thang has a deep vacumn,void of anything,cold and empty.New2,,,now you've started a National Holiday and Thangs are coming out of the woodwork,,hope your happy.I'm still thinkng of something Thang can take credit for,,somewhere it was mentioned flying,,I'm still thinking on that1
Frenchy just what is it that makes you dislike Thang so much?
I have flighty peas,peas with chopped looking tails, peas that will not eat the same food 2 days in a row they act like a bugger was suddenly in their food, peas that rubberneck at a blue 50 gallon drum just because i moved it 10 feet but i don't hate on none of them.

Have you ever thought Thang just has a good survival instincts? i mean the sides on your pen are so high nothing can see you coming until you are right on them, that would scare me too,Perhaps you and Thang should go to one of them there pet therapist and see if you can work out your differences and if not perhaps Thang would be more happy and appreciated here if ya know what i mean....
Terri,,,wonder how many more "Thangettes" have yet to be discovered? Your "Thanglette" I bet at least has some intelligence between those beedy-narrow eyes?My Thang has a deep vacumn,void of anything,cold and empty.New2,,,now you've started a National Holiday and Thangs are coming out of the woodwork,,hope your happy.I'm still thinkng of something Thang can take credit for,,somewhere it was mentioned flying,,I'm still thinking on that1
If he does (have some intelligence), I haven't seen sign of it yet.

Yesterday he was running aimlessly around the pen in circles. The rest just stared at him like they thought he was nuts.

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