Please tell me what happened**Update 6/17**

So the exterminator believed that a snake could go through 3/4" bars of the cage, eat 5 chicks, then fit back through the bars again and escape? No other evidence of a snake? Never seen before or after in your basement?

I am suspicious and wonder whether he just wanted to solve the mystery for you as badly as we.

Hope he is right and a bit of hardware wire will prevent it from happening again.
Hi, guys!

No, unfortunately, we don't know what kind of snake.

Yeah, he said a snake could fit through 1 inch bars with baby chicks that were so young.

He said the snake could have been living in the basement all winter. He also said the snake will not have to eat for a long time now..... I know- gross thought.

This guy is really good. He came highly recommended by a lot of people. He's old and cranky and has seen it all.

I tend to believe him as he found no evidence of any other animal.

No, no snake evidence either.
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It must be snakes in plural because one snake couldn't eat 5 chicks in one sitting. I actually don't mind snakes, but it creeps me out to think of them being in the house without me noticing. Good luck on your future babies.
Oh my. Well at least you know.

I would think, since they all disappeared in one day, that perhaps more than one snake? Did he say anything about the possibilty of more than one?

I am so sorry about your chicks.

my chicks are in a large plastic bin and i was worried about rats but a rat couldn't come out of a 1" hole with five baby chicks.
I've had the same thing happen to me. A snake got in with my chicks & ate them all...a few at a time. I couldn't figure out where they were going.

The snake got to big to get back out once it ate a few chicks & stayed curled up in the house portion of the coop. I finally found the jerk and turned him into a nice wall hanging.
My son had an 5' Albino Corn Snake and it was all it could do to eat 2 small mice every 3 weeks.

It was a snake because it couldn't have been anything else?

Sounds sketchy to me, but I'm not the expert.

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