Please tell me wich of these breeds will go Broody!!!!


10 Years
May 4, 2009
Ok, this is what i have

Buff O's
Black sexlinks
Gold Sexlinks
Barred Rock
New Hamps
We aslo have leghorns but i know that they won't go Broody.

Can anyone tell me wich of these will? Thanks
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The Buff Orpingtons and the Wyandottes.

There have been a few exceptions for people on here who have Leghorns. But those two breeds are the ones most likely to. It's possible the others could though.
Buff O's Yes
Ameracuanas Sometimes
Austrolorp Sometimes
RIR's Rarely
Black sexlinks No
Gold Sexlinks No
Wyandotts YES
Barred Rock Sometimes
Polish Sometimes
New Hamps Rarely
Partridge Rock... Yes
Thank you everyone sooo much for your input! I may try hatching this year and none of my girls are laying quite yet except for the Leghorn and she could care less about the eggs she lays.
So i wanted to know who i could count on to set on them eggs.
The popular wisdom is that you need a Silkie!
However, my Phoenix, which a book said was an unlikely broody, has done a great job for me this spring.
Perhaps it's because my RIRs are banties, but I've had broodies almost since they started laying eggs. Current count out of 12 girls: 1 setting on 6 eggs (due on Tuesday), 1 in broody jail (wire cage hung on the wall of the coop) & 2 due to move in the second cage if it ever stops raining long enough to finish working on it.

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