Plucked feathers


8 Years
Jul 25, 2011
Durham, North Carolina
Hi. New to chickens. My step father has some hens. He wanted me to have some so we went this weekend to buy a couple from this kid he knows. I got two pullets. One has a huge bald spot on her back. The seller said it was from the rooster. Now that the bird is away from the rooster what can I do to help her get her feathers back? The rest of her feathers are beautiful. She looks like a cross between a BO and Ameraucana. She's basically buff but her neck and tail have black in them. Anyway, should I put anything on her back like a resin, give her special food to promote feather growth? The hens she is with now do not pluck. They are all healthy birds and with the exception of one they are all friendly. The one hen I guess rules the roost and keeps everything in order. Anyway, thanks for any advice!

Wish I could post a pic of my hen. I have one with her bare back exposed.

p.s. I'm obviously worried about disease, infection etc. There are no open wounds, just a bare back. She has plenty of shade so no sunburn.
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Yes, bare backs are common when the roosters have been riding them too much. There isn't much you can do but let the feathers grow back in which takes about 6 weeks. She will be fine, as long as there are no breaks in the skin and the others don't bother her. If they start in on her bare skin, you can always try a hen apron. The hen wears it until the feathers grow back in.

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