Poison Ivy around Coop

Glyphosate is showing up in all kinds of food now that it is regularly used in the production of food.
"Now" ?! More like for decades.

1 cup of salt,
1 gallon of vinegar
8 drops of liquid dish soap.

Mix it into a sprayer and spray on the leaves when the forecast has no rain for a couple days.
The salt dries out the plants and some plants it kills the roots even.
This has worked great for me on many broad leafed plants.
@Outdoors4Life But does it work on PI...and does it kill the roots?
Have used similar concoctions, only slows most plants down by killing foliage, doesn't kill them forever.
Everyone has there own opinion on chemicals and round up. I have sprayed it near my coop. When I do I do not let me chickens out until the weeds are brown and dead and it has been rained on at least one. I have never seen them eat the dead/brown weeds and the go for the more green lush foliage in the area. Some people will never use chemicals under any circumstances.
I spent time pulling overgrown poison ivy and Virginia creeper this afternoon, while very well dressed, and miserable. Filled one big garbage bag, from one planting bed. The Virginia creeper, while invasive, isn't nasty to touch, and the vines and roots come out fairly easily. Not so the poison ivy! Those roots and vines are fragile, break, and don't come out of the ground. Awful!
I got the top growth, but it's just going to keep growing, and it's in with nice perennials, so the herbicide route isn't best. It's not as if one application will kill it! :he
You might check out Crossbow. They say you can spray a pasture and the cows can be grazing on it the same day. Of course a cow is a little bigger than a chicken so I would definitely read the label. That being said, I would personally go the salt, vinegar and dish soap route. Enough salt in the ground and nothing will grow there for a few years, so keep that in mind too.

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