Polish Test...UPDATED!! EGG!!

Got an EGG! I have 4 chickens that are 27 weeks old and three of them have been laying regularly for 3-4 weeks. Today, I got a fourth eggs! My Polish was clucking and barking and setting in the nest box off and on all day yesterday, then today....Ta Dah:


UPDATED: Added this shot of her back to help others who are trying to figure out their GLP:

There rest of this is the old part of the post:
This is a 28 week old Golden Laced Polish. If you JUST look at the head feathers Pullet or Cockerel? DO NOT LOOK AHEAD YET! This is a test!:


Ok, now look at this, remember, this is a 6 month old bird:


There are no wattles or comb, and this is the same head feathers as in the first picture, just from another angle:
Looking up info on a Polish and came across this beauty! Wow... 2010... Seems like ancient history!
Whatever happened to her?

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