Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These "girls" as we are hoping all girls, lol, hatched under out mama hen partridge rock hen who has been such a good mama.
We have 2 white crest
2 french creveceuors,
1 blue polish,
1 blue splash polish,
2 sultans,
2 white crested,
1 red polish

ah there cute my americauna bantam has 3 aracauna chicks and they climb on her back all the time

Mommas are so cute w/chicks. Our Ameraucana pullet was not a momma but allowed our 2-week Dominique chick to sit on her back and groom her muff. Ameraucanas are very sweet to orphaned chicks or injured birds. At 19-days-old the chick suffered a seizure and died right before our eyes. For 2 days afterwards the Ameraucana looked for the chick in the usual places she had played with it. So sad that such a bond was broken so suddenly.

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