Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I LOVE Polish
!!! Here are some pics of my birds past and present!

11 Tolbunt and 5 golden laced and silver laced. I have no idea which are which of the 5 as I forgot to mark them. :rolleyes:

Welcome!  You found the right place, and please post pics of you chicks.  :)

When they hatch plz post pics so we can see them....where did u get your tolbunt eggs???:jumpy
I will be waiting with the camera, and will post the new cuties as soon as they get here. :)

My eggs are from a BYC member, I'll check to see if it's okay to post their name.
I contacted one on here but, as you know, it's best to have diverse blood to start with. Ideally I'd like to raise two small groups and choose the best for my stock.:fl
Thank you for checking for me :highfive: , and you could just ask the person to message me if that would be preferred

It will be a month or so before I'm ready for more chicks, my brooder is full and as soon as I turn out my new flock I gotta start hatching out coturnix. But late June I want to start hatching chicks from my new Black Crested White Polish!:celebrate!! I want to raise my Tolbunts with them. :weee
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