Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish my mom could breed hers (she lives with me), but it's out of the question...especially since the two "girls" turned out to be a girl and a boy! But with their disabilities, it's impossible to breed them because the babies would have defects as well! The roo has a crossed beak, and the pullet has a crooked spine. They are strictly pets only...my mom has a soft spot for "special needs" animals (she was a wildlife rehabilitator for decades) so that's why she took them. But she absolutely LOVES polish, and especially Polish Frizzles :)

I love them too, but I don't particularly want anymore...they are beautiful, but I can't stand the fact that they can't see! And mom won't let me trim their feathers back around their eyes. They are constantly getting picked on because they can't see the other chicks coming! It drives me bonkers
The name of this thread is "Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Its not the most scholarly place to discuss the attributes of the Polish breed (there is another forum for that). The warm fuzzies are fine here.
This reminds me of the time I bred my dog and posted it in the other section on here. It got so bad that they shut down my thread, however, they messaged me afterwards and complemented me on what a good job I did about holding my tongue because some called me a bad owner, some said my dog was going to STDs I mean the works. It was horrible. :(
Umm, this is a POLISH chicken thread, and if people keep talking about other things besides what the thread is for, then this thread is gonna die. So, please keep the talking limited to polish ;)

If you want to talk elsewhere, than go to the social board ;)
My fav hatchery is Ideal Poultry, so all I have to do is get some chicks from them and mix them all together... OK!!
I'm getting 10 Polish in about 8 days for my Birthday. I'm having 5 W.C. Black, and 5 plain white. They're from a hatchery-does that mean I can't show them? I do plan of breeding them. Could they mix????
It just depends. Generally, hatchery birds don't compete as well in shows as those from breeders. However, on the flip side, I have seen people start with hatchery birds and selectively breed for a number of years and wind up with some nice show birds. And every so often you just get lucky and score a good one. If you mix breeds and varieties, you for sure don't have show birds anymore. Hatchery birds are a good, inexpensive way to start. Enjoy!

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