Political Ramblings

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And what's the purpose? Playing at Taliban?

I don't even know what that means.
TT, you need to get out more... your fear of guns would dissapear if you would educate yourself on the responsibility of owning one and how to handle it. It is no more dangerous than a baseball bat in the right hand.
All I can say about the single mother living on benefits, is that if she can save £2000 out of an annual budget of £15,500 she must be very clever with money! As for the gun laws debate I say this. Never believe that laws can't be changed and that you will always have the same rights as your ancestors, it just isn't true, wherever you live in the world. Life evolves and so do laws. Sometimes we win and sometimes, some people think they have lost. It is the way of things. Some rights were granted in a time when frontiers were only being pushed back and with little on no policing in place it was desirable to allow people arms with which to defend themselves. It was a solution in the 18/19th century but how necessary is it in these days of highly developed policing practices? Back in the days of the land rushes, it seems that anyone could stake a claim to an unoccupied piece of land and come to own it legitimately. Same in the days of the gold rush. That cannot be done now can it? You even have laws about how many chickens you might keep in certain areas. Do you think your ancestors had those laws? Gun laws will be tightened because we live in a far more sophisticated and legislated society than we did. There is no place for self policing. The writing is well and truly on the wall.
TT, you need to get out more... your fear of guns would dissapear if you would educate yourself on the responsibility of owning one and how to handle it. It is no more dangerous than a baseball bat in the right hand.

I own a gun, have had tuition and practice at the gun club with more tuition on hand when I need it. We keep our weapon for self protection at home should it ever be necessary.

If you own a gun and think that it's no more dangerous than a baseball bat then either you are taking the Mickey or you don't understand guns, the dangers of handling them and the responsibility that comes with gun ownership.

You've hit it on the head very neatly - 'in the right hand'. The gungho, Wayne attitude is irresponsible. Being proud to be a gunslinger who can have a pop at someone in a cinema or mall to save the masses is not the 'right hand;. Posing a gun on a pickup is childish and children should not have guns.
All I can say about the single mother living on benefits, is that if she can save £2000 out of an annual budget of £15,500 she must be very clever with money! As for the gun laws debate I say this. Never believe that laws can't be changed and that you will always have the same rights as your ancestors, it just isn't true, wherever you live in the world. Life evolves and so do laws. Sometimes we win and sometimes, some people think they have lost. It is the way of things. Some rights were granted in a time when frontiers were only being pushed back and with little on no policing in place it was desirable to allow people arms with which to defend themselves. It was a solution in the 18/19th century but how necessary is it in these days of highly developed policing practices? Back in the days of the land rushes, it seems that anyone could stake a claim to an unoccupied piece of land and come to own it legitimately. Same in the days of the gold rush. That cannot be done now can it? You even have laws about how many chickens you might keep in certain areas. Do you think your ancestors had those laws? Gun laws will be tightened because we live in a far more sophisticated and legislated society than we did. There is no place for self policing. The writing is well and truly on the wall.

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