Political Ramblings

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Maybe we should ban commercial airliners. Does society allow commercial airplanes? Blaming society for personal choices is absolutely absurd.

Well it was people that made the personal choice to not buy G.M. cars so we had to bail them out because the people didn't know the right choice.

The auto bail out will cost the taxpayers about $25 billion. But that's what we get for making the wrong choices.
All this talk about taxes is saddening. You're all missing the painfully obvious solution:

Cut spending.

Cut all foreign aid, get rid of the Departments of Energy, Commerce, Education, Interior, and HUD, get rid of the TSA, stop subsidies (corporate welfare), and bring our soldiers home as a starting point. While we're at it, we ought to get the Navy back to patrolling trade routes and guarding the coasts while ending the federal war on drugs.

Good starting point in my opinion.

Well it seems some one has a clue, Of course they use a Ron Paul Icon
Surely, during a recession, spending is one way to stimulate an economy.

It is bad policy to spend what you don't have. My share is $142,648 when i just checked. That is not debt per person which is $52,049, but for taxpayer. These numbers are going up for the foreseeable future with no end in sight. We must stop the spending.
It is bad policy to spend what you don't have. My share is $142,648 when i just checked. That is not debt per person which is $52,049, but for taxpayer. These numbers are going up for the foreseeable future with no end in sight. We must stop the spending.

Have a read of Keynes and check what is available in the Treasury.
Surely, during a recession, spending is one way to stimulate an economy. At least, that's what some economists are now saying. Spend on capital projects that create work, for example. Once people are earning, they will spend more and get the wheels turning faster.
Yeah that is a good idea because the first two stimulus packages worked so well. Throwing good money after bad is not a way to create anything but more unrecoverable debt. Here is a novel idea, let me keep most of my hard earned money and it will go right back into flow versus giving my money to people who don't or won't work.
Yeah that is a good idea because the first two stimulus packages worked so well. Throwing good money after bad is not a way to create anything but more unrecoverable debt. Here is a novel idea, let me keep most of my hard earned money and it will go right back into flow versus giving my money to people who don't or won't work.
After browsing through the comments here I am amazed, how can you not think where we have come to as a society doesn't have an affect on peoples actions. We allow video games where the main object is to KILL other people. We allow things that decrease the value of a human life. We have a population that increasingly believes they are "entitled" to things without working for them and then are outraged when they don't get them.
Our government the people we as a nation elected to lead us are the worst example of this and it filters down to everyone, how many businesses can spend more than they make and pay people for not working can survive this is just common sense. Also when things go bad this country as a whole is horrible at accepting responsibility for there actions. Guns do not kill people people kill people a gun is just a tool so if we blame guns for doing it are we not really over looking the real problem. Maybe we should ban automobiles because thousands of people are killed by drunk drivers.
The one thing I read on here that is really unbelievable is a statement that people in socialist countries have it better than we do is just ridiculous if that were true why are people from these countries flocking here and when they get here are over joyed with the opportunities available here, but for those who think this your wish will come true because that is where this country is heading faster than we think take the time to watch this short clip before it is banned.
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