poll: are you legal or an outlaw?

Out of the city limits. They do allow 3 per.
I'm over that limit. Not sure about our HOA... but I've got a couple of conjoined lots and I'm not gonna go looking for trouble.
No Roos of course.
I live in a nice residential neighborhood on the river. I feel fairly certain it's not zoned for livestock. However, I live by the saying:

"It's always easier to ask forgiveness later than permission first".

If someone turns me in, I suppose they might find a mailbox full of chicken poo. (Just Kidding!) I would never waste that good fertilizer on them when my roses love it so much.
Im a horrible horrible illegal neighbor who gives away pretty much every dozen eggs I get.

I keep it pretty clean though, BUT this is like a snooty expensive neighborhood I live in.
I am legal as far as I know.
Some of my neighbors have chickens and sheep and llamas and horses and cattle and goats, so I think I am ok. I love living in the country!
Landlady had chickens when she lived here, says she misses them and offered to buy a few of our hens (for which we have NO pet deposit!)
It was great.. .the house even came with a small coop and attached pen... although i might have been able to build one bigger and better in the time it took me to repair/remodel what was already here.
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I'm both......

Legal to have 2 - I have 4. Tell me what kind of town makes it legal to have 2 (!) chickens? They were so lonely, I had to get 2 more - now I want to start hatching....HELP! I'm addicted and I can't quit.

If it helps, the neighbors haven't said word one about it?

I'm an illegal! I called to check and they said NO - Absolutely NOT! I already had them...my daughter was all - sweet little girls
So I asked our only next door neighbor and they were fine with it (I did bribe with the promise of eggs hehehehe).

So we are outlaws in town...the sorts you shouldn't let your kids be aquainted with!

BUT - I do have an arguement for them if they say something - a neighbor down the street has pigs and goats...and has bee hives for honey. Even though we are in the burbs...my two girls are confined and ain't hurting noone
If they come by to visit I'll just offer them some beautiful light brown FRESH eggs

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