Poll: Do you think its wrong to kill your chickens?

Nope, I don't believe it is wrong.. I'd like to start eating my birds, but haven't as of yet. I have however, culled quite a few over the years that weren't quite "right" (no eyes, or really weak. Illness, suffering etc). Never had to do that much since I bred out of good stock, but next year I hope to order Kraienkoeppes (lots.. ) and figure I will be culling probably 95% of them either to sell or food etc.

You know what I just explained the idea behind us raising and eating our roos to my kids. I don't find it wrong and when I asked my son if there was a difference between eating the chickens in the store and the chickens we raised he brought up because we loved them and took care of them. yep we did. We held them, cared for them, fed them, let them free range and play in the sun, and gave them a pretty wonderful life. But we have a TON of roosters and they are starting to fight so its time they fulfill their purpose and provide us with food. ( a bit of talk about God providing what we need) If we do not kill and eat them, then they will fight and kill each other. Which is true. So I gave him the choice of eating birds we had raised who we knew were happy or giving our roos to someone else to eat and we can eat the birds from the grocery who never had such a wonderful life. He decided a quick calm kill and freezer camp for our roos was the better way to go. I of course agree.
Well, I think it would be wrong for me to kill my chickens, but they are for pets and eggs and not meat. But I would never attempt to tell someone else what choices to make with their chickens.
Me too
Add me to the no vote...

I also personally feel if you do eat meat you should experience the process first hand at least once..

I hit a deer on the way home tonight with my truck...

Even though an electric company truck ran it over, (So much meat may be ruined.) I still brought it home and gutted it and will make use of the animal, for our family, the chickens or the compost pile, for next years garden.

The language of these questions is always so telling. Last one, I believe used the term murder. Inflammatory and charming. As if we're all a bunch of chicken serial killers or something.

I would rather give my birds a healthy, happy home then after they go out of lay mercifully end their days and eat them then contribute to the cruelty of industrial farming. And certainly, since I am an omnivore, it would be hypocritical of me to send thousands of chickens, turkeys, pigs, cows, etc. to their death to feed me without being absolutely aware and informed of the process.

For what its worth, my husband is active duty Navy, has taken multiple hunting classes and yet, I'm the one who processes the birds.
If you are hatching a lot of chicks you will eventually end up with more birds than you can house, especially roosters WHICH crow. If your birds are pets prepare yourself for raising birds which can live 10+ years depending on the breed. At five years old hens will pretty much stop laying so if it's egg you are after you will eventually reach the point where you have more birds than you can realistically house if you keep hatching more layers.
I own chickens solely because it please me to do it. I find a calm peace
in their presence.

I eat eggs. Not everyday. But when I want one. So I give the eggs away.
Wouldn't think of selling them. I know familys that need those eggs. They
can't afford them. But I can afford to give the eggs away.

Do I eat my chickens? No. Would I if I was hungry? Yes I would. Wouldn't
like it, but I would do it.

Would I put one of my chickens out of its misery if the time came? With a sad
heart, but yes I would. And I would no doubt be sad as I dug the grave.

I know that there are many among us who sell the eggs. It's part of their family
budget. Just as those among us raise "meaties". It's a part of their food source.
And that's wonderful.

Mine are ...pets. My friends.
Given my belief system, yes, it would be wrong for me to kill and eat my birds.

However, I am not going to tell YOU not to if you have raised them properly and kill them as humanely as possible.

Will I like it? No. Will I come and beat down your gate and steal your birds? No. That is not my way of making peace with the world.

Will I have an animal put down that is suffering badly and cannot recover? Yes. However it is very much a case by case basis type of decision and something I don't relish.
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