Pomeranian Goose Breed Thread

thank you for answering so quickly!
the back of her neck is darker than the rest of the head and neck. her body is white, and the grey on her wings & back somewhat matches the grey on her head. and she has blue eyes. i tried to google what the lobes were and couldn't really figure out what that meant.. if this relates to whether the underside is all one pouch, or seems to be separated into two pouches, then i would say she only has one.
here is another picture of her i took a few weeks ago. her name is Nellie

Well, I would say at some point Nellie's mother was kept with some of the Africans that are swimming with your girl in the first photo. She is a very pretty cross!
thank you for answering so quickly!
the back of her neck is darker than the rest of the head and neck. her body is white, and the grey on her wings & back somewhat matches the grey on her head. and she has blue eyes. i tried to google what the lobes were and couldn't really figure out what that meant.. if this relates to whether the underside is all one pouch, or seems to be separated into two pouches, then i would say she only has one.
here is another picture of her i took a few weeks ago. her name is Nellie

She is very pretty - along with the rest of your geese!! And you're right, lobe = underside pouch

You are too funny. We all knew you would catch the bug and be drawn to the Pom side!

Let me know when you are ready and I'll see if I can rustle you up some eggs, or goslings. Everyone is starting to sell out: I just had a man order 15-20 goslings a few minutes ago and have already have the first 40 eggs reserved. If you want some for this year though, I will find a way to get you some. Either from my birds, or I know some people that have them up North and may still be able to get you some from good looking parent stock.


I would love to get some goslings from you this year, if it is at all possible. Feb is crazy busy for us, March is going to be hectic! My sister is getting married so that whole month I am not allowed to set any eggs or have new hatchlings come in the mail. Grrrrr..LOL

After that I'm open. That sounds like a plan, thanks honey!

~ Aspen
hi everyone,

i wanted to share a picture of my geese. a friend gave them to us last summer. she told me that one of them was a pomeranian. looking at pictures of pomeranians, she definitely looks like one, but there seems to also be some slight differences. i was wondering if you could take a look and tell me if you think she is a pure pomeranian or maybe a cross? i couldn't find a picture of her out of the water, hopefully you can see her well enough in this picture.


~ Aspen

I would love to get some goslings from you this year, if it is at all possible. Feb is crazy busy for us, March is going to be hectic! My sister is getting married so that whole month I am not allowed to set any eggs or have new hatchlings come in the mail. Grrrrr..LOL

After that I'm open. That sounds like a plan, thanks honey!

~ Aspen

NO eggs or boxes of fluffiness for a WHOLE month! Why that is downright unconstitutional....you know, I think that is covered by the Bill of Rights....no cruel or unusual punishments...lol. Seriously though, good luck with the wedding: I am sure it will be beautiful.

It is looking like April or early May would be better for me and the temps will still be favorable for shipping live birds in our area. Last year my girl laid for a little over 4 months. With mine just starting to lay right now. they should still be going strong through the month of April and maybe into May.

I will keep in touch and let you know how availability is looking once the orders I already have are starting to be filled.

Have a wonderful day!
NO eggs or boxes of fluffiness for a WHOLE month! Why that is downright unconstitutional....you know, I think that is covered by the Bill of Rights....no cruel or unusual punishments...lol. Seriously though, good luck with the wedding: I am sure it will be beautiful.

It is looking like April or early May would be better for me and the temps will still be favorable for shipping live birds in our area. Last year my girl laid for a little over 4 months. With mine just starting to lay right now. they should still be going strong through the month of April and maybe into May.

I will keep in touch and let you know how availability is looking once the orders I already have are starting to be filled.

Have a wonderful day!

I know, it's terrible!! I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. *sigh*

She is having a before-the-wedding party down here in Texas, the actual wedding will be in Tennessee. She is having a period correct 1860's wedding, complete with period cloths, food, etc.

That would work out a lot better for my, Rhonda. I should be open by then for new hatchlings. That is awesome. How many eggs do you think your girls laid? I've gotten 4 Sebbie eggs so far...my smooth grey Seb goose is laying then. I pray they are fertile.

A coon killed three of my precious geese (two sebs, and 1 seb project). R.I.P. Princess (curly white goose, who was my sweetest girl), Cotton (Lavender Saddleback gander from Shellie...he was so gorgeous!), and one of my tufted sebbie project females. I'm so upset. We finally caught the coon yesterday morning. The guys used him for target practice. He cost me about $300.-$400. Sorry sucker!

Okay done ranting....I may be getting a smooth Lavender Seb gander from Barb...she has very kindly offered him to me, just for shipping. I'm still so upset over the whole think I want to puke every time I think about it.

Okay done ranting...

We'll keep in touch sweet-heart.

~ Aspen
I know, it's terrible!! I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. *sigh*

She is having a before-the-wedding party down here in Texas, the actual wedding will be in Tennessee. She is having a period correct 1860's wedding, complete with period cloths, food, etc.

That would work out a lot better for my, Rhonda. I should be open by then for new hatchlings. That is awesome. How many eggs do you think your girls laid? I've gotten 4 Sebbie eggs so far...my smooth grey Seb goose is laying then. I pray they are fertile.

A coon killed three of my precious geese (two sebs, and 1 seb project). R.I.P. Princess (curly white goose, who was my sweetest girl), Cotton (Lavender Saddleback gander from Shellie...he was so gorgeous!), and one of my tufted sebbie project females. I'm so upset. We finally caught the coon yesterday morning. The guys used him for target practice. He cost me about $300.-$400. Sorry sucker!

Okay done ranting....I may be getting a smooth Lavender Seb gander from Barb...she has very kindly offered him to me, just for shipping. I'm still so upset over the whole think I want to puke every time I think about it.

Okay done ranting...

We'll keep in touch sweet-heart.

~ Aspen

Wow, the wedding sounds like it will be gorgeous. If I were a younger person I would have definitely hung around with the "Steampunk" crowd since they like to dress in the clothes from that period. I have always found that period to be very appealing...then I remember they didn't have air conditioning and think...nah!

I am VERY sorry to hear about your losses.
I hate losing anything, but it kills me if it is a duck or goose. Raccoons are sneaky little buggers and I have no use for them. While trying to catch our bobcats with leg traps we caught several raccoons that are no longer with us. We have never caught our bobcats, so have been systematically clearing the woods and pushing them back every weekend. We only use the pasture when I am able to supervise with my loaded .22 at the ready. I know they need to eat too, but not at my critters!

As of today, 4 of my 7 Pomeranian females have laid eggs. I have one that is on her 5th egg, but the first 3 at least were not fertile. She is a first year layer, so I know I need to be patient since I know for a fact she is being mated. This morning, I found first eggs in two other girl's newly made nests when I let them out of their stalls. I was so excited because one of them was Caboose, the girl I use as my avatar.

I am still waiting for my mature goose to lay. She seems to be trying to pick the right corner in her house to nest:. When I cleaned their stall today I found that she has made partial nests in 3 of the 4 corners. Last year she laid 51 eggs, but was a 2 year old, so don't expect that many from my first year girls (maybe 20-30 each). If all goes well and all 7 girls lay, I estimate that I will get somewhere between 150-220 eggs this season. Given that 1st year girls tend to have lower fertility early on, hopefully, at least 2/3 will be fertile.
Wow, the wedding sounds like it will be gorgeous. If I were a younger person I would have definitely hung around with the "Steampunk" crowd since they like to dress in the clothes from that period. I have always found that period to be very appealing...then I remember they didn't have air conditioning and think...nah!

I am VERY sorry to hear about your losses.
I hate losing anything, but it kills me if it is a duck or goose. Raccoons are sneaky little buggers and I have no use for them. While trying to catch our bobcats with leg traps we caught several raccoons that are no longer with us. We have never caught our bobcats, so have been systematically clearing the woods and pushing them back every weekend. We only use the pasture when I am able to supervise with my loaded .22 at the ready. I know they need to eat too, but not at my critters!

As of today, 4 of my 7 Pomeranian females have laid eggs. I have one that is on her 5th egg, but the first 3 at least were not fertile. She is a first year layer, so I know I need to be patient since I know for a fact she is being mated. This morning, I found first eggs in two other girl's newly made nests when I let them out of their stalls. I was so excited because one of them was Caboose, the girl I use as my avatar.

I am still waiting for my mature goose to lay. She seems to be trying to pick the right corner in her house to nest:. When I cleaned their stall today I found that she has made partial nests in 3 of the 4 corners. Last year she laid 51 eggs, but was a 2 year old, so don't expect that many from my first year girls (maybe 20-30 each). If all goes well and all 7 girls lay, I estimate that I will get somewhere between 150-220 eggs this season. Given that 1st year girls tend to have lower fertility early on, hopefully, at least 2/3 will be fertile.
Thanks honey

I'm the same way. I get torn up when I loose chickens, but loosing a precious hay stack (a.k.a Sebastopol) is a totally different matter. They are my babies!

We are in the process of turning a 13' x 8' metal building into a goose house with four stalls. Each stall will be 6'x3'. I took some pictures of what we have done so far...I need to go feed. After I finish I'll post them.

That is quite a lot. Three of my girls will be 4 y/o I think this summer...I also have a Roman goose that I know is at least three. Everyone else are yearlings.

I've seen some breeding with my American Buffs, Sebbie projects, and some with the Sebastopols...but the ganders are so clueless and mate the wrong end of the goose....... ; ) LOL Maybe they'll get it right...sometime.

~ Aspen
Thanks honey

I'm the same way. I get torn up when I loose chickens, but loosing a precious hay stack (a.k.a Sebastopol) is a totally different matter. They are my babies!

We are in the process of turning a 13' x 8' metal building into a goose house with four stalls. Each stall will be 6'x3'. I took some pictures of what we have done so far...I need to go feed. After I finish I'll post them.

That is quite a lot. Three of my girls will be 4 y/o I think this summer...I also have a Roman goose that I know is at least three. Everyone else are yearlings.

I've seen some breeding with my American Buffs, Sebbie projects, and some with the Sebastopols...but the ganders are so clueless and mate the wrong end of the goose....... ; ) LOL Maybe they'll get it right...sometime.

~ Aspen
Good luck with your barn project!

I totally know what you mean about the young males being unable to "get things right" at first: I saw some pretty interesting attempts early on.
I found an egg is you youngest goose, Bazinga's nest this morning. I wasn't sure whether she was going to lay this year or not, since she is only 7 months old. I know she has been being mated because her partner has been a bit rough with the back of the poor girl's neck. I had to spray that blueish-purple wound kote on her neck, which makes her look like she is wearing a collar. Poor girl.

So, that leaves two geese yet to lay. Jean, my original goose, and Carolina another first year girl out of Kawonu's stock.

Sadly, none of the first 3 eggs put in the incubator have been fertile, but I know they'll get there eventually.
I found an egg is you youngest goose, Bazinga's nest this morning. I wasn't sure whether she was going to lay this year or not, since she is only 7 months old. I know she has been being mated because her partner has been a bit rough with the back of the poor girl's neck. I had to spray that blueish-purple wound kote on her neck, which makes her look like she is wearing a collar. Poor girl.

So, that leaves two geese yet to lay. Jean, my original goose, and Carolina another first year girl out of Kawonu's stock.

Sadly, none of the first 3 eggs put in the incubator have been fertile, but I know they'll get there eventually.
Yeah!! Congratulations on Bazinga's egg! It's always so exciting to find big goose eggs. That's my highlight in the morning, to see if the girls laid momma any eggs.

Ashely laid an egg this morning, this is egg #5 I think? It weighed 142 grams. What do your eggs weigh?

I cannot wait to get eggs from my American Buffs. They are such huge birds! LOL

I'm still waiting on 10 girls to lay! LOL

Aww, poor baby girl! My White Tufted Roman goose got picked on by one of the ganders...that was about three weeks ago. Since then I moved her in w/ the Buffs and she is finally getting a bunch of soft fuzz on her neck again.

Just curious...what are you feeding your waterfowl? I'm always interested to know what other breeders are feeding.

Currently the geese are getting Flock Raiser mixed with Cayenne pepper, Brewers Yeast, Garlic Powder, Red Pepper Flakes, mixed with warm water and sprinkled lightly with oyster shell.

That is normally their supper. For breakfast they get FR mixed with Cinnamon, Nutmeg, and sometimes Cod Liver Oil and a dash of powdered milk.

I've just started sprouting/growing fodder for them, and I am wanting to try out the fermented feed. I think it's a wonderful idea! Currently, the waterfowl and poultry all get a warm mash made out of their food...I've already noticed a big difference in how much they are eating, and how much better they're looking. It's amazing!

Since I started adding Garlic Powder (FYI Garlic is a natural de-wormer, as well as Pumpkin Seeds) to their feed once a day...their breath and poo smells like garlic! LOL In the morning when I let them out of their pens, I'm greeted with the smell of garlic...mmmm.

Usually I have a bunch of whole grains on hand that I feed to everyone like whole oats, wheat, barely, BOSS, and other things..but haven't been to the feed mill in awhile so the only grain I have in Whole oats....but I'm soaking some for fodder and then I want to try and ferment some as well.

Lucy or Lucy Goosey - American Buff Goose. You can see my Tufted Roman goose in the background...her neck is starting to look somewhat better.

~ Aspen
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