Pomeranian Goose Breed Thread

Sasa, I thought that was you.
This hatch coming up is all spoken for. I do have some females out on nest but can not guarantee they will hatch. But we should have a few saddlebacks in them like I say if they hatch them. I will announce on the Hatch along if and when the next batch of gosling comes, with pictures I might add. I just cross my fingers that we get the ones under my girls to hatch.....

I have had a hard time trying to find Solid Buff sebbie goslings and each time I find an adult and purchase her this is strange something happens to them. Got a buff saddleback form Dave H when he was selling out his sebbie stock and two months after I received her she dies in a nest with another female??? She was not egg bound either we checked that.
Then I purchase a beautiful solid buff and she went into a different pen and started chewing on the electric cord and my husband had put the bucket of water with the heated element into a pan and it got water on it and she electrocuted herself.
Wow...I am so sorry to hear that. Was it a Buff Pom or a Buff goose? I will be getting some goslings from a preservation center. I am going to try to get a second order out, so keep me posted...maybe I can ship you one. If I have too many boys, for example, as what I am getting is straight-run. Are you planning to breed exhibition quality or are they for utilitarian purposes?

Let me know and Blessings to you!

ARGGGHHHH!~ I have not had my morning Joe yet...forgive me while I put the dunce cap on...LOL! If you are talking about a Buff Sebbie, I don't do those but I do know people who do. Let me see.

Better go get that coffee now before the birds start laughing at me :)
Sasa.all of the youngs gosling are for sale except the ones that I purchased. I currently have 16 for sale with about that many more in the bator. I have never shipped birds which limits my market.

how disappointing to lose those geese, and how strange.

You take such good care of your geese, and they are gorgeous. It sounds like you worry about them like I do.
Yes, I do want some Saddlebacks. Let me know.

Your horses are beautiful, I have 2 Mini's. Aren't they wonderful?

BTW, my geese roam an acre all day and have a 25X25 night pen for safety. I give them two 6ft. round stock tanks and two play pools to swim in. I do not eat them, they are my pets.
It was Sebastopol I lost two that I purchased from Dave H when he sold out of Sebastopol. I lost the Buff Saddleback Sebastopol within 2 months this one was just a yearling. I had NEVER lost a goose before just dropping dead???? The other female I bought from him was a 2 or 3 year old and she dropped dead the day after I got out of the hospital last March. I could not believe I lost another one of the Sebastopol ???? I was very upset to say the least.

The only other young sebbie I lost the FedEx driver ran over a young white gander. I contacted them and sent them information on how much one would cost to replace and ship. Believe it or not the sent me $300.00 to purchase another Sebastopol.

But my husband was a fault putting a pan under the bucket so the water would not get all over the ground and make mud pies.
He did not even think of the water getting to the heating element. Then Nutmeg had a terrible chewing habit and chewed on the wire and it just zapped her out. She was still holding the electric cord in her mouth and her feet were blown straight back out from under her. I was just totally sick about it.....

I also make sure to put food right onto my girls nest because some of them will not come out of the nest for any reason. We have to pull them out to get some food, water and relieve themselves.....

Yes Sasa I really love my geese very very much. With me being on dialysis for the past 13 years going on 14 years come July. They give me strength to go out and take care of them come rain, snow, cold or whatever. Gives me more of a reason to live. Because my children are all grown up now with their kids growing up and having children. So I do not see much of them at all. One lives in Georgia with her 4 and I have not seen any of them for years..... I do not even know what some of them look like now. Because my daughter never keeps up with sending pictures.
So my geese are my children now....
Geese are very special, aren't they? I love mine, they are definitely part of my family. Today I watched my Buff Sebastopol goose, who I am having sexed because I can't tell what she/he is, trying to mate with a Toulouse girl (it is a new thing that has started up). It actually looked like he is a he and made contact, then one of my Runner drakes hopped onto the Toulouse, grabbed her neck and rode her out of the play pool like a horse, it was so funny.
Ducks are such horn dog. I had more drakes for awhile then ducks and my gosh the gang bang the poor female or females... My sebbies when they seen a drake try to breed a female they will go pull the drakes off the ducks. But I only have one drake now and that is it. Sold all the rest and a hawk killed my female who was with this drake.
I sold all the ducks and my peacocks so I could just do and work on Sebastopols.

My geese and ducks live happily together. I have 2 drakes with 10 hens and am getting 2 Harlequin girls, so there is a good balance, plus one of my Embdens who lost her gander has taken up with the Runner drakes so those boys don't have time to get in trouble. I think the secret with ducks is to have lots of hens, even as many as 10 hens per drake because drakes are designed to take care of lots and lots of hens, as opposed to ganders who only take on 2 or 3 geese.

Here we are on the Pomeranian thread talking about Sebastopols and ducks...lol

I am waiting to hear about a pair of Poms though.
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