Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Thespoiledchickenwould you mind sharing how the roost & poop board are made? Thanks


What did you want to know?

Most of the dimensions are posted on the first few pages but really you could make it whatever size you needed.The biggest thing you need to do is make sure your board has a decent lip around it so the PDZ stays in it (think sand box).

And also make sure the roosting perch is not to high above the board or else they will hang out on the board instead of the perch. And not to close either or you will have a heck of a time scooping it. The best distance seems to be around 10"

My boards/ roost are just plain untreated wood and they stay bone dry with the PDZ and my coop smells great

Hope this helps!

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5. Can someone point me where to look for ideas to keep water from freezing in sub zero temps.

Well....#5: I solved this one this winter (can't keep running out every 3 hours with hot water).... HEATED BASE
Worth. Every. Nickel!!
I used a bird bath heater in mine, I think I paid like 22.00 for it at homedepot. I use a 5 gallon bucket with nipples on the bottom. But I am going to change that out to a new water system once it warms up and use the bucket in the winter time as never once did mine freeze up
I used a bird bath heater in mine, I think I paid like 22.00 for it at homedepot. I use a 5 gallon bucket with nipples on the bottom. But I am going to change that out to a new water system once it warms up and use the bucket in the winter time as never once did mine freeze up
Says it is to be used with double walled something.... I got a heated dog bowl from TS, put rocks in it and water and set my regular 1 gallon plastic waterer on it all. I did need to put it all on top of 2 large rocks to keep them from kicking shavings and straw into the base which gets stinky real quick. Used this for 2 winters now with great success.
Says it is to be used with double walled something.... I got a heated dog bowl from TS, put rocks in it and water and set my regular 1 gallon plastic waterer on it all. I did need to put it all on top of 2 large rocks to keep them from kicking shavings and straw into the base which gets stinky real quick. Used this for 2 winters now with great success.
Be sure to put water and rocks into the dog bowl before you set your regular waterer in it. It kicks on automatically when the temp. goes below 32 degrees and hold the water at 50 degrees.
Fantastic idea! Hubby and I are in process of building our coop and I've been pondering on how to do the roost/poop area. I love your way and plan on copying you
May I ask how many bags of Sweet PDZ it took to fill your poo board?
with a board that wide...do they roost there or useit for a nesting box?

They only roost on the perch above the board but occasionally I get one that sleeps on the lip of the board (no big deal since her poop still winds up in the PDZ).

I have never had a hen try to nest on the board. They all use the nesting boxes below.

Fantastic idea! Hubby and I are in process of building our coop and I've been pondering on how to do the roost/poop area. I love your way and plan on copying you
May I ask how many bags of Sweet PDZ it took to fill your poo board?

Starting fresh with an empty board I put 1 full bag of PDZ on each board (I think the bags are 40lbs each). After that I just add a few scoops here and there. You never empty and start over, you only add more PDZ as needed. It really does last a long time since the PDZ only lightly coats the poops.

Good luck building your coop!

Hi Trish,

I have to add my thanks to the list, because I have switched from wood shavings to pdz in the tray that slides out of my Eglu-- I have a plastic eglu classic...and the Eglu has a deck above the slide out tray so that you can even slide out the tray while the chickens are in the little coop.

By replacing the wood shavings with pdz, I have a lot less bulk to scoop-- have yet to dump the entire amount there....do think of the zen sand raking experience with the kitty ltter poop scoop---and there is not any smell or flies... Not that there was before -- because if soiled you just dump the wood shavings and refill -- but the wood shavings add up fast. I think I only used about 1/3 of a 25 pound bag from TSC - they had the granules. It was easy before, and now it is even easier..... Your idea is pure genius.

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