Poop board convert *warning-graphic/gross poop pictures*

Quote: Mine don't...... they walk all over, up and down the roosts.... and the boards on either side of the roost...pushing each other out of the way.
It's like a free for all at roost time, like a bunch of little kids climbing all over a jungle gym and each other......
.......then they line up and mumble a bit more before conking out.
When mine were young a couple of them would sit on the edge of the poop tray, I just moved them up to the roost a few times, then they started going up there on their own. So, who knows.
I took my roosts apart this week. They were 8 foot long across the back of the henhouse, one lower than the other. I thought the lower ranking ones would take the lower roost. EVERYONE wanted the upper roost. Those that didn't fit were sleeping on the poop board, not the lower rail. SO now all the rails are the same height, except for the bits at the top of the ramp that are 8 inches high, so allow a step up for the orpington. She does sleep on this lower area, but only because she fits there. And SHE wants to be there. LOL.

Mine also climb up and over and through and fly all over the place to get where they WANT to be for the night. Goof balls.
Generally, what's a good height for poop boards? ( I have mostly bantams, btw)
I have my nests are about 22" at the bottoms, for my convenience, roost board is about 36", roost is 8" above the board.
I have ramps from a 16" platform going to the board and the nest perch.

The ramps were necessary because my coop is only 6' wide, and I had some heavy birds....some use the ramps, some jump/fly up and down.

I have my nests are about 22" at the bottoms, for my convenience, roost board is about 36", roost is 8" above the board.
I have ramps from a 16" platform going to the board and the nest perch.

The ramps were necessary because my coop is only 6' wide, and I had some heavy birds....some use the ramps, some jump/fly up and roost

First of all I am a total poop Board enthusiast!! Second, I couldn't quite tell who it was talking about the chickens being like kids on a jungle gym getting situated on the EXACT place they want to be on. Hilarious. We lucked into putting a window right overlooking the roost/poop Board. What entertainment! Only chicken people can understand that. Third, in keeping with the person I'm quoting, I ended up putting a board across the coop that goes across from the poop Board/roost to the top of the nesting boxes. (Covered til they start laying with a vinyl tablecloth. Ick!) Some fly right up to the roost, some do multiple hippity hops ... When they meet on the crossway Board .. More fun and games to watch! I have Buff O., Speckled S and Golden Comets - all pretty heavy bodied. But they all make it to the roost and down, one way or another. Thank goodness for BYC.
Great job!!
Actually, I do both. My coop is 8x8 with an additional 12x12 attached run. I have 9 chickens living in it.

I do deep litter (pine shavings) on the floor, but sweet PDZ on the poop board. Typically chickens do most of their pooping when roosting. So by using a poop board with sweet PDZ to catch the poop, it keeps the shavings clean (for the most part.) And the poop board does its job because the sweet PDZ absorbs the odors and makes clean up a breeze. My coop does not smell. And it's because of the sweet PDZ. The litter method alone does not control the smell.
I also sprinkle the sweet PDZ over the pine shavings, which helps to absorb any odors from poop that gets mixed in with it.
Good luck!

How wide are your poop boards? How do attach your branch? how high off the ground? We're getting close to having our coop done, woo hoo!

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