Poop in water


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 9, 2011
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep my chicks from pooping in their water and feed? Is that the reason for haning the feeder and waterer from ceiling of coop? They don't sit on them if they move? Still trying to figure it out.
Hi there! Hanging feeders seem to really help with the pooping in the food and water, for the exact reason you mentioned....they move. I hang them at beak level for them, so they can get their beaks in there to drink or eat. Hanging it at just the right level also prevents them from scratching in the feed and throwing it all over the floor.

Another way to keep poo out of the food or water, is to put the feeder or waterer up on a crate or something, just high enough so they don't have to bend over to eat or drink......

Also, I use those rubber buckets for waterers because they're just the right height for adult chickens to sip out of, and a bonus is, that in the winter if they freeze, you just pop the ice right out of them.

Hope this helps you,

Are these literally chicks (baby chicks) we're talking about, or grown hens?

For grown hens, the problem pretty much goes away if you both a) raise 'em up on blocks so the eating/drinking part of the devices are level with the hens' backs, and also b) put some sort of anti-roost device on top, such as a garbage can lid added to the chain they're hanging from, or a milk jug half-full of gravel hung directly over top of a non-hanging feeder or waterer.

For chicks, well, you can set things up to get more or less of the sitting-and-pooing-on-the-fixtures, but you are not likely to really PREVENT it. Fortunately they turn into grown hens after a few months, for which see above paragraph

Good luck, have fun,


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