Poopy butt poopy eggs:(


7 Years
Sep 3, 2016
In the mountains of Southern California
My Coop
My Coop
So Buffy the RSL was sitting on the perch in the run a couple weeks ago while I was in the chair outside and she proceeded to poop at the same time I was getting out of my chair. She was startled and changed body position and the poop landed in the fluff under her butt. I remember thinking at the time I hope that does not get stuck there. Well it did and two weeks later she still has a messy butt. I do not want to get personally involved, I really do not want to clean it up. Pasty butt on a cute fluffy chick is one thing, I am just not willing to be a butt cleaner for a full grown chicken. It is gross :sick. Well now her eggs are getting poop stains on them. Will more frequent trips in the chicken yard and more dirt baths help? I thought about IF I HAD TO clean her butt maybe soaking her bottom half in a five gallon bucket with warm water? Its in the 50's 60's here in the day right now so not sure if too cold to soak her? And soaking sounds gross too, the poop tea... :sick

Grossed out

Take a pair of sharp scissors and just cut the dried stuff off. I do this when my chickens get dirty bums (generally, mine have a bit of diarrhea in the spring) and I can attest that it's much simpler than bathing or soaking, and you don't have to worry about getting her dry afterwards.

Then sanitise the scissors. Obviously.
I've had this happen several times. I soaked one hen in the kitchen sink a couple of times and then blew her dry. I have also done a couple in a bucket of warm water outside. I put a couple drops of Dawn dish soap in it. It was warm enough to pat their bottom with a towel and let them air dry. Yesterday I had one that I just trimmed with scissors.

I find I get the poopy butts when I've been a little over generous with veggies and fruit. I had the poop checked for parasites a week ago and all was clear.
So Buffy the RSL was sitting on the perch in the run a couple weeks ago while I was in the chair outside and she proceeded to poop at the same time I was getting out of my chair. She was startled and changed body position and the poop landed in the fluff under her butt. I remember thinking at the time I hope that does not get stuck there. Well it did and two weeks later she still has a messy butt. I do not want to get personally involved, I really do not want to clean it up. Pasty butt on a cute fluffy chick is one thing, I am just not willing to be a butt cleaner for a full grown chicken. It is gross :sick. Well now her eggs are getting poop stains on them. Will more frequent trips in the chicken yard and more dirt baths help? I thought about IF I HAD TO clean her butt maybe soaking her bottom half in a five gallon bucket with warm water? Its in the 50's 60's here in the day right now so not sure if too cold to soak her? And soaking sounds gross too, the poop tea... :sick

Grossed out

I washed my hens butt when they got messy with warm water and they dried in the sun, if it's cold it wouldn't hurt to dry them with a rag towel or blow dry.
Well I decided since I did not want to get up and personal with the poopy butt to wait it out and let nature take its course, and also let them out more often so that they can dust bathe more often. A few days of poopy eggs and now they are clean again. I think I was being too stingy with the yard time.
So happy to say I have NOT had to touch any chicken butts!

Well I decided since I did not want to get up and personal with the poopy butt to wait it out and let nature take its course, and also let them out more often so that they can dust bathe more often. A few days of poopy eggs and now they are clean again. I think I was being too stingy with the yard time.
So happy to say I have NOT had to touch any chicken butts!

Did she clean herself off?
Eventually, Gary, you are going to have to look at and <gasp>touch a chicken butt to ensure the health of your birds.
Have you ever heard of fly strike?
Did she clean herself off?
Eventually, Gary, you are going to have to look at and <gasp>touch a chicken butt to ensure the health of your birds.
Have you ever heard of fly strike?

I guess its cleaned off I do not see the load hanging there anymore...

Yes I have heard of fly strike, yuck! I plan on flying you to California for butt checks should the need come up aart! Or getting gloves I guess.... @aart I just posted a thread about leaving chickens in care of helper would love your input.


Put on your gloves, and your big boy pants, and check that bird.
An ounce of prevention.....

Nothing to see there.... I can and will when needed, just not sure a poop ball needs my attention up close and personal. I will employ my 11 year old daughter who wants to be a vet to assist if and when it is needed.


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