Popular Music , Dumbing Down Our Kids?

well I myself like a variety of music; from the 30's all the way up to today and the variances include some rap, soul, R&B, Country, disco, celtic, classical, pop, hip hop, reggae, old school country (Yessir - Hank), southern rock (gotta have some Skynard you know), christian included..

oh the list goes on and on...

and I am by no means... dumb.

and my kids listen to various artists - although my DS is not allowed to listen to certain artists unless I screen them first.
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Don't blame music for dumming kids down or making them violet it is the parents fault. If a parent doesn't let their kid listen to it or buy it for them then the sales of those records would do down and the companies would drop them....

Every generation has something to complain about the next one. It's the circle of life. I try to expose my daughter to lots of music she listens to KISS, Marlene Dietrich and Lords of Acid. However she loves Low by Flo Rida and it's cute to here her sing "Low Low Low Fur Boots" (she's 2) However I explain things like "this song is angry and its okay to be angry but not all the time.

On the other hand I've lost many of brain cells listening to Elmos greatest hits....lol.
I think every time a new genre of music pops up, there is at least a small group of people convinced that music will be the downfall of society. This has been going on since at least the Renaissance, hasn't it?

And yet here we are.

I cringe every time I hear someone blaming media-any kind of media-for making our kids dumb or violent. If YOU are the parent, YOU have control over what your kids see and hear. It is your responsibility to decide what they can or cannot listen to, what they can and cannot see.

Having said that I have third grade students who can recite lyrics I'd be embarrassed to listen to in front of my mom, and regularly watch shows like Family Guy and R-rated movies. These kids have parents who obviously don't care what their kids are watching, and it makes me sad.
I believe that children are our future and that they will be okay if parents explain things to them. I've let my daughter watch shaun of the dead and explained to her that it is make believe and there is nothing to be afraid of and that we sould not bite or hit anyone. She's watched it several times and we don't have a problem with her saying things from the movie or acting out anything from the movie. However I do not plant my kid in front of a tv and leave them unsupervised. I don't let her watch anything or listen to anything that i would not.

It is the parents who disreguard what their kids are doing and fail explain that tv is fake and music is fake. That being violet or vulgar is wrong. That are failing society. My generation (I'm 24) for the most part have the mentality that "my parents didn't let me do this so I'm going to let my kids" When those kids turn up on an episode of Maurry they have no one to blame but them selves.
That mentality is passed down from generation to generation. I'm 46 and it was the same then. The problem is that we have "watered down" parenting.

I work with runaways in a law enforcement situation and I have parents calling me asking what they can do to make their kids get up and go to school.....really, is it a choice???
I don't let my kids listen to most of anything. We don't even watch TV in this house hardly at all because even TV shows are so vulgar these days.

I strictly monitor all my kids hear and see to the best of my abilitiy. I can't always control them when they aren't with me but I just hope and pray that they learn from what I am trying to teach them and know that certain 'crap' is just vulgar and so not worth listening to.

IMO The media world is making all of these 'vulgar' words/clothing/actions like it is normal and we should all jump on the normal boat...Well, I guess I am not gonna be normal LOL Not getting on that sinking ship.

We listen to old music. I asked our 5 year daughter the other who her favorite singer is and she said Kurt Cobain (Nirvana). Our son is 4 and he'll come running if I pull up Youtube and find Wierd AL Ebay. No new music here! I have to be able to understand the lyrics somewhat!
Exactly that. A debate. I hate it when people get their undies in a wad when someone disagrees or expresses their point of view. There are two sides and not always is one the "right" one. Well unless it's my opinion being expressed.

I've always been against over sheltering children. This always leads to stronger rebellion. My mother over sheltered us (I have 4 siblings) and if you knew only have of what I have done after I left home at 15 and before I hit 18, I'd get banned.
No record though.

My uncle and I have often discussed the "age gap" and the mentality behind it. Older generations always thinking the world is going to Hell in a hand basket, and young people convinced the older generation isn't progressive or open minded enough. That, death and taxes . . . I swear.

Three of my favorite musical artists: Johann Pachelbel, Frank Sinatra, and Marshall Mathers. What I love about art is the passion it evokes from people, even if that passion takes the form of people insisting it isn't worthy of being called art and doesn't have a place in our culture. Most of the rap mentioned here as being disgusting . . . well, honestly, it was designed to repel certain individuals, otherwise the point would be pretty much lost. It seems to be doing its job, so I'd call that a successful work of art.

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