Porcelain Pyncheon PICS

WOW, prettee
I only see 2 different colours...
WOW, prettee
I only see 2 different colours...

That's only 4 of 9 babies. Hard to take a group photo when they all want to go different directions!
Jody, these baby Pyncheons are the cutest little things I think I have ever seen. They are absolutely fearless.
I wanted to ask you about behaviour-they are always challenging each other-it's like the Crips and the Bloods in there(well, if the Crips and Bloods were tiny, precious little feathered things that couldn't hurt each other if they tried)-is that indicative of their sex? They chest butt each other all the time and as soon as two of them do this, the others all haul it to the scene of said chest butting and start slam dancing-wish I had a video camera-it is hilarious!
I want to get some newer pics posted, but I have this stupid stomach virus and just can't wrangle them at this moment.
Ok It is the middle of my incubation time. I am not biting my nails but even now I keep looking at the eggs but have not handled much except when I did candle one just one. Jody by any chance have you ever seen any of your Pycheons go broody ? Just curious about that.
Yes, my partner let's his hatch eggs just about every year and she raises them right within the flock without problems. I hope your eggs are doing well. We set 30 eggs for a chick order and have 29 peeps due on Monday. So excited!
Oh that is exciting ! Both the fact that your partner has a broody and that YOU will have 29 new baby chicks very soon. Will you remember to take a few pictures to post and boast ?

(Humm spell check did not rule on that last word)
I really need to post some pics of my babies-they are GORGEOUS! They just keep getting prettier every day. I ended up with 2 Porcelain and 7 Mille Fleurs. I've never seen more gorgeous chicks! They are a month old today.
Good luck to ALL of you that are hatching these lovely chicks-Jody has beautiful, healthy birds!
Good luck with your hatch Tammie!

easttxchick - thanks so much for your nice comments. I am so happy to hear you're enjoying them.

Here are some pics of my chicks that hatched this week. There are also some fresh orps in with them.






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