post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

they look pretty brown in these pictures but they aren't brown at all. They are black with yellow on their chest/bellies. Their bills and feet are black as well. They had khaki campbells in there when we got our Pekins and runner and these are WAY darker then those. I would be happy with either although having something a little more rare would be neat too. The Cayugas are really pretty. I will post some more pictures later this evening when we go outside (It is really hot here and they won't be out long and watched SUPER close). I worry about hawks and other preditors so much when they are outside but I don't think they would come with all of us out in the yard and the ducks so close to us. I am interested to see what our 3 older (3 weeks old) ducks think of these babies.

I have two of the same ducklings from TSC, the lady said Black mallard lol because it came in with the mallards. My oldest one is 2 weeks old now and looks to be forming a white ring around his neck. The other one is 3 days old. Here is a pic at 2 weeks the next pic is of the 3 day old at 1 day. the flash in the second pic makes him look more brownish but with the naked eye he is just as black at the older one. I was assuming Cayuga also BUT both ducklings were the only ones like that that came in and from two different towns. I find it odd if they thru in 1 cayuga in the two orders when the towns are 2 hours away from each other. But who knows.

they look pretty brown in these pictures but they aren't brown at all. They are black with yellow on their chest/bellies. Their bills and feet are black as well. They had khaki campbells in there when we got our Pekins and runner and these are WAY darker then those. I would be happy with either although having something a little more rare would be neat too. The Cayugas are really pretty. I will post some more pictures later this evening when we go outside (It is really hot here and they won't be out long and watched SUPER close). I worry about hawks and other preditors so much when they are outside but I don't think they would come with all of us out in the yard and the ducks so close to us. I am interested to see what our 3 older (3 weeks old) ducks think of these babies.

Cayuga's would be pretty too. More pictures are always welcome! Outside pics usually work better for iding too, the colors always look weird in brooders.
my two Rouens, Clover, and Cruiser spending some time out in the sun. They seem so much smaller in the picture than they actually are now... they grow so fast.
We got our two new ducklings today (The ones I asked what they are). Here is a few pictures of them from this afternoon. we didn't take them outside since hubby was mowing and i didn't want them freaking out on their first day home...or getting run over on accident. We did let the big ducks swim though. The tote they are in was their brooder when they first came home. Clearly it doesn't fit them too well now. my how they have grown in jsut 3 weeks!


Pip-Perched up on my leg like a big man.


See the little yellow strip up by his nose. These aren't the best pics since we were still inside but hopefully we will get outside tomorrow and can get some cute pictures. They would have gotten lost in our yard. With all the rain we have had the grass was so high!

Here's the video of Crickett & Stinky swimming. Crickett
the water.
I have two of the same ducklings from TSC, the lady said Black mallard lol because it came in with the mallards. My oldest one is 2 weeks old now and looks to be forming a white ring around his neck. The other one is 3 days old. Here is a pic at 2 weeks the next pic is of the 3 day old at 1 day. the flash in the second pic makes him look more brownish but with the naked eye he is just as black at the older one. I was assuming Cayuga also BUT both ducklings were the only ones like that that came in and from two different towns. I find it odd if they thru in 1 cayuga in the two orders when the towns are 2 hours away from each other. But who knows.

they look great, as to what breed you have I have no clue? possibly Cayuga?

my two Rouens, Clover, and Cruiser spending some time out in the sun. They seem so much smaller in the picture than they actually are now... they grow so fast.

they are getting bigger and bigger in every picture! little duckies dont stay little for long, before you know it they will be fully feathered and out side!

We got our two new ducklings today (The ones I asked what they are). Here is a few pictures of them from this afternoon. we didn't take them outside since hubby was mowing and i didn't want them freaking out on their first day home...or getting run over on accident. We did let the big ducks swim though. The tote they are in was their brooder when they first came home. Clearly it doesn't fit them too well now. my how they have grown in jsut 3 weeks!


Pip-Perched up on my leg like a big man.


See the little yellow strip up by his nose. These aren't the best pics since we were still inside but hopefully we will get outside tomorrow and can get some cute pictures. They would have gotten lost in our yard. With all the rain we have had the grass was so high!

Here's the video of Crickett & Stinky swimming. Crickett
the water.
thoes little guys are very cute! and great video, it is so funny to watch ducks take a bath!
How cute! Man, you mean mine are gonna be that big in another week? (mine are two wks)

They grow WAY too fast don't they. It's like right before your eyes you don't even notice it...until you go get 2 more that are 3 weeks younger. These guys are tiny. I can't even imagine what the big ducks are gonna look like in 3 weeks when the little guys look like the big ones.

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