post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

I just have to share a mental picture with you all. My two blue Indian Runner ducks (about 7 weeks now) came from a breeder who doesn't raise them to be pets so they are quite skittish. I gave them their own space in the coop with my 'submissive' pet chickens-- I do have a more aggressive group of Ams and Orloffs. Well, the ducks fell right in with a quad of similarly skittish comets. DH bought these impulsively when my other birds were going to take a couple weeks. Of course now he is wishing we didn't have so many. Its very funny to see these ducks right in the group with the chickens. They are orange and white and ducks brown and blue. They totally stand out. Its so funny when they get separated because the ducks will run around quacking to find them, like today when the chickens ran in the ajar gate to their run. Those ducks lived up to their name trying to find those chickens!
Here are my runner ducks!

They are 3months old, The black drake name is Detlef (husband named him) The brown duck behind the black one is named Frankie and the far right is my female her name is Charlie and she can be hand fed easily and picked up to be petted! I thought that I had all boys, hence their names!
Please see the picture below,..

The first 2 on the left are females, right?
Here are updated pics I took today of my ducks.

Po the pekin is 16 weeks old, Jet ( green headed mallard) and Chip ( the mallard up front next to Jet) are 15 weeks old, the other 5 and 13 weeks old.

And Shifu ( jumbo pekin/Rouen mix) is now 7 1/2 weeks

Shifu again-- and no he doesn't normally have his foot turned in like that
Here are updated pics I took today of my ducks.

Po the pekin is 16 weeks old, Jet ( green headed mallard) and Chip ( the mallard up front next to Jet) are 15 weeks old, the other 5 and 13 weeks old.

And Shifu ( jumbo pekin/Rouen mix) is now 7 1/2 weeks

Shifu again-- and no he doesn't normally have his foot turned in like that
They sure are pretty
Here are my runner ducks!

They are 3months old, The black drake name is Detlef (husband named him) The brown duck behind the black one is named Frankie and the far right is my female her name is Charlie and she can be hand fed easily and picked up to be petted! I thought that I had all boys, hence their names!
Please see the picture below,..

The first 2 on the left are females, right?
The one on the left is a boy, The curly feather on top of his tail is a drake feather, I can't tell if the middle one has one or not.
This is the star for my ducks. I used the corn to help with the shade for them. They are in the recycling tub hiding from our dog Tess!T
Here are updated pics I took today of my ducks.

Po the pekin is 16 weeks old, Jet ( green headed mallard) and Chip ( the mallard up front next to Jet) are 15 weeks old, the other 5 and 13 weeks old.

And Shifu ( jumbo pekin/Rouen mix) is now 7 1/2 weeks

Shifu again-- and no he doesn't normally have his foot turned in like that

Love the colors! They are all adorable

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