post any and all waterfowl pictures here!!! ponds, pools, aviarys, coops, runs, etc.

I took some photos this morning of the ponds we put in and two current duck/goose houses.

This is the first pond we dug and house we built. As to the pond, we are very lucky and have heavy clay soil, so didn't need a liner of any kind; only our tractor, loader bucket, and a few hours time.

Here is the smaller pond and larger house we put in this spring.

Some of the occupants of the houses and ponds...

And finally, my two broody ducks, who are in the first house shown. They are on day 10 of their nest sitting.
Beautiful pics
I have discovered a couple of plants my ducks are not eating! First of all I have some Columbine, with flowers on it, and they are not even looking at it, no nibbles at all, the second one is a big mint plant, I even broke off some little leaves and floated them in the water. They tasted it and then no more interest!
Mine won't eat mint either, and I got it everywhere. So I started pulling the plants root and all and replanted them along the fence in their run. Finally shade they won't eat. Lol.
Mine won't eat mint either, and I got it everywhere. So I started pulling the plants root and all and replanted them along the fence in their run. Finally shade they won't eat. Lol.
I have discovered a couple of plants my ducks are not eating! First of all I have some Columbine, with flowers on it, and they are not even looking at it, no nibbles at all, the second one is a big mint plant, I even broke off some little leaves and floated them in the water. They tasted it and then no more interest!

Wow, I didn't know ducks could eat Columbine if they wanted to. Some species of it are toxic for goats, horses, cows, fish, turtles and a few other animals if they eat it in sufficient quantities. I think it is pretty, but put it on my "Do Not Plant List" because my goats escape and make for the ornamental plants or orchard every time.
Some pictures of my girls I took while their pool was filling up.

(I have two anconas, and one Buff Orp.)

Yara (Yara as in Yarn, but with an A at the end instead of an N)

Posie, my little flower. she tried to pip on the wrong end of her egg, opposite of the air cell.)

carefully watching for predators.

Ella, my pretty girl, is so sweet. I call her name and she looks up at me to see what I want from her.


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