Post pics of your favorite chickens!

This is Dena my Easter Egger. She's the leader of my little crew.
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Omg she is so cute!! Is she tame?

For the most part. She's obsessed with me and follows me around and always wants to be right in my face seeing what I'm doing but my brother came over a few days ago to see the chickens and she charged at him lol. I think she was testing him. She lets me pick her up and love on her though. She's a funny little thing.
For the most part. She's obsessed with me and follows me around and always wants to be right in my face seeing what I'm doing but my brother came over a few days ago to see the chickens and she charged at him lol. I think she was testing him. She lets me pick her up and love on her though. She's a funny little thing.
That's so sweet. I'm thinking about asking my dad to get me an Easter Egger chick. Im also getting a Silver Sebright chick and I can't wait!

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