post your chicken coop pictures here!

Our coop so far. We originally were going to build the Wichita Cabin Coop, but Chaz had different ideas and of course, I'm not allowed to help. He is a machinist & a perfectionist-I've been told to just let him alone & he will get it done.
Good luck to all the other first time coop builders!
Here's mine! It's 4'x6' and houses the golden girls (Sophia Pecktrillo, Rose Egglund, Dorothy Zbornchick and Blanche Nevercreaux) and four of their friends (Tessie McGreevey, Queen Camilla, Spyro and Greycie Blue).
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When we first started raising chickens, we figured we'd never have more than three, so I bought a nice coop from a local coop builder. It was awesome, just what we needed.

But then I realized that we loved chickens and wanted more. We're not handy at all, and we struggled with how we'd add on to this particular structure.

First we added a premade nest box to the back of the coop. It called itself "universal" but in fact it was only universal for their brand of coops. We (did I mention we're not at all handy?) made it work the best we could. It wasn't pretty, but it added nest boxes and they seemed to like them.

Then we decided to move the coop to another area in our yard. The lost some protection from the wind and rain, not to mention if we didn't let them out exactly on time, one of our older more dominant girls would torment out of the younger girls. We added a roost in the run where the younger girls like to hang out, you can see my Marans in the above picture sitting on it. Our next project was to add another 3 x 4 ft area to the run to give them more room to move around if we went out of town and had to keep them locked up (for times our chicken sitters can't make it). It's not pretty, but the girls like it.

We're going to add the corrugated roof to the new "wing" soon. In the meantime since the rainy season is hitting, we've added a heavy duty tarp. We may not be handy, but we love our chickens and want to give them as much room as they need to be happy and healthy. Next step is just for me...painting...just not sure how I want to go with the colors.
When we first started raising chickens, we figured we'd never have more than three, so I bought a nice coop from a local coop builder. It was awesome, just what we needed. But then I realized that we loved chickens and wanted more. We're not handy at all, and we struggled with how we'd add on to this particular structure. First we added a premade nest box to the back of the coop. It called itself "universal" but in fact it was only universal for their brand of coops. We (did I mention we're not at all handy?) made it work the best we could. It wasn't pretty, but it added nest boxes and they seemed to like them. Then we decided to move the coop to another area in our yard. The lost some protection from the wind and rain, not to mention if we didn't let them out exactly on time, one of our older more dominant girls would torment out of the younger girls. We added a roost in the run where the younger girls like to hang out, you can see my Marans in the above picture sitting on it. Our next project was to add another 3 x 4 ft area to the run to give them more room to move around if we went out of town and had to keep them locked up (for times our chicken sitters can't make it). It's not pretty, but the girls like it. We're going to add the corrugated roof to the new "wing" soon. In the meantime since the rainy season is hitting, we've added a heavy duty tarp. We may not be handy, but we love our chickens and want to give them as much room as they need to be happy and healthy. Next step is just for me...painting...just not sure how I want to go with the colors.
Don't sell yourself short! I love the "additions" and I think they look great.
Just got my coop build finished today, hope to get 4-8 laying hens and maybe a rooster (I have a couple of options, will have to see which works out) yet this week.
Then have a 400 sq ft covered run out of T-posts and 2x4 14 ga welded wire fencing done in a couple weeks.

Coop is 6' x 12' x 85" tall, with another 6' x 4' beyond the partition wall for isolation, brooding, storage etc.

The whole coop build is documented here if you want to check it out.

West End

East End
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