post your chicken coop pictures here!

Once they are old enough that the cockerels' combs and wattles start to grow more than the pullets, yes. In my LIMITED experience, a female chick of a given breed may grow a bit faster than another and their comb might be a BIT bigger, maybe a little pink especially after exertion but those 2 birds @NanaNeen posted clearly have much larger combs and wattles. If there was a side shot of them I would think the hackle and saddle feathers would also be telling. I don't know what breed her birds are but POSSIBLY White Rocks. If so, the combs on my 1 Y/O WR hens isn't even close to those of the suspected males she posted.
This is a simple cad drawing I made to size the coop to fit various elements I have to build with like doors and windows. My CAD program is not used for illustrations but for making cut files for my CNC machines. I like Opas roll out nest box design I may draw that in CAD and cut them on my CNC router.


Full monitor...nice!!!
I'm still trying to figure out how to build a lean-to roof.

I try to stay with typical farm stuff (in bags) so i take the kids out to feed them some whole corn. At first the turkeys didnt show any interest bjt now they eat out of my hand and go after it like the chickens.


This is what happens. They see me through the door window and come running out to the run, gobling and clucking. I go into the run and they mob me. This is because, unlike my bantms and other previous birds, i handled these from the start and they got used to me. Im giving the rooster a chance to be a docile part of the experience but the first aggressive act toward humans will be the last. I have a 'no rooster rule' because of noise and danger to the kids.

Just what ever you do try and keep the kids from handle the roo, I have heard that Roos can become agressive being chased to be held and have all of those hands coming at you. And so if it ever does that take a broom and swat it at him every once and a while and it will show him your the boss and he shouldn't ever become agressive.
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Full monitor...nice!!!
I'm still trying to figure out how to build a lean-to roof.


I am no expert builder but I am fussy so I build with screws if I don't like what I have done I take it back apart and do it again until I am happy. Looking at the drawing after posting I see an issue with the door clearing some beams so I have made the building 6" taller on paper. In a few minutes I am heading out to start the framing. The front door has a big window in it that I did not draw in, it is an old farmhouse type door that was left in my barn when we moved here I think it will make a nice touch to the hen house and it was free.

My father was a building contractor he is now in his eighties and lives far away but I am able to call him for advice when I am unsure of what to do and I watch YouTube videos on construction methods also, and like I said I have been around building all my life but I am not a carpenter by any means.

I try to stay with typical farm stuff (in bags) so i take the kids out to feed them some whole corn. At first the turkeys didnt show any interest bjt now they eat out of my hand and go after it like the chickens.

This is what happens. They see me through the door window and come running out to the run, gobling and clucking. I go into the run and they mob me. This is because, unlike my bantms and other previous birds, i handled these from the start and they got used to me. Im giving the rooster a chance to be a docile part of the experience but the first aggressive act toward humans will be the last. I have a 'no rooster rule' because of noise and danger to the kids.
Those Tom turkeys will be worse than any ol' rooster. And, that poor turkey hen, she needs some sisters or she'll be in danger with all that mating going on.

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